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Department of Informatics Requirements Engineering Research Group

Banner of the Requirements Engineering Research Group at UZH

The Requirements Engineering Research Group (RERG) in the Department of Informatics at UZH has been active in Requirements Engineering (RE) research and teaching since 1993. RERG is headed by Professor Martin Glinz.

Martin Glinz retired by July 31, 2017 and is now a professor emeritus at UZH. However, he remains active in research, teaching and services. Since July 2022, RERG has ceased to exist as a group of people. Currently, RERG forms an umbrella for the ongoing  research and teaching activities of Martin Glinz.

In teaching, Martin Glinz taught his Requirements Engineering I and II courses at UZH in HS 2017 and HS 2018. He has continued teaching Requirements Engineering I every fall semester since HS 2019 and is teaching it again in HS 2024.  On demand, student theses and projects are also still possible.

RERG is proud of its achievements in research, which, among many other publications, resulted in six RE Conference papers, one REFSQ best paper, and six journal papers (in REJ, SoSyM, IST and TSE) in the years 2016 – 2022.

We also have made major service contributions to the requirements and software engineering community.


Contact Info

University of Zurich
Department of Informatics
Binzmühlestrasse 14
CH-8050 Zurich, Switzerland
+41 44 635 45 70 (direct)
+41 44 635 43 22
+41 44 635 68 09
How to find us    

Weiterführende Informationen


We have organized RE’20 in Zurich. For the first time, the RE conference was held in a hybrid fashion with both physical and remote attendees.


We made ICSE 2012 happen.
It was a big success. Thanks to all
who contributed.


RE Glossary

Martin Glinz is the author of the IREB CPRE Glossary of Reqirements Engineering Terminology. Version 2.0 has been published in fall 2020. Download it here.