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2024 | |
R. Ballester-Ripoll, G. Halter, R. Pajarola. "High-dimensional scalar function visualization using principal parameterizations". The Visual Computer, 2024. |
D. Haessig, H. Yang, R. Pajarola, A. Diehl. "WeaVA: Weather event characterization based on citizen reports". Eurographics Workshop Visualization in Environmental Sciences, 2024. |
A. Diehl, U. Satan, G. Halter, B. Flückiger, R. Pajarola. "Snake-Tree: Multi-level visual exploration of high-dimensional clustered data". Japan Visualization Symposium, 2024. |
A. Diehl, M. Ciloglu, R. Pajarola. "Interactive high-dimensional audiovisual feature analysis of live song concert videos". Conference on Visualization and Data Analysis, 2024. |
L. Zawallich, R. Pajarola. "Unfolding via Mesh Approximation using Surface Flows". Computer Graphics Forum, 2024. |
P. Erler, L. Fuentes Perez, P. Hermosilla, P. Guerrero, R. Pajarola, and M. Wimmer. "PPSurf: Combining patches and point convolutions for detailed surface reconstruction". Computer Graphics Forum, 2024. |
2023 | |
L. Zawallich. "Unfolding Polyhedra via Tabu Search". 2023. |
H. Yang, R. Pajarola. "Visual-assisted Outlier Preservation for Scatterplot Sampling". Vision, Modeling and Visualization (VMV) Conference 2023. |
L. Romero Calla, B. Mohanto, R. Pajarola, O. Staadt. "Multi-display ray tracing framework". In Posters Eurographics Conference, 2023. |
A. Böhmer-Mzee, L. Fuentes Perez, R. Pajarola. "Automatic architectural floorplan reconstruction". In Posters ACM SIGGRAPH, 2023. |
2022 | |
J. Croci, A. Amiraghdam, R. Pajarola. "TERRENDER: A web-based multi-resolution terrain rendering framework". Proceedings ACM Conference on 3D Web Technology 2022. |
G. Halter, A. Diel, R. Pajarola, B. Flückiger. "SANKEY: Multi-level visual exploration of high-dimensional spaces". 2022. |
A. Amiraghdam, A. Diehl, R. Pajarola. "LOOPS: Locally Optimized Polygon Simplification". Computer Graphics Forum 2022. |
2021 | |
H. Yang, R. Ballester-Ripoll, R. Pajarola. "SenVis: Interactive Tensor-based Sensitivity Visualization". Computer Graphics Forum 2021. |
A. Diehl, R. Pelorosso, J. Ruiz, R. Pajarola, M.E. Gröller, S. Bruckner. "Hornero: Thunderstorms Characterization using Visual Analytics". Computer Graphics Forum 2021. |
V. Arpatzoglou, A.A. Kardara, A. Diehl, B. Flückiger, S. Helmer, R. Pajarola. "DanceMoves: A visual Analytics Tool for Dance Movement Analysis". Proceedings EuroVis Short Papers 2021. |
A. Diehl, E.E. Firat, T. Torsney-Weir, A. Abdul-Rahman, B. Bach, R.S. Laramee, R. Pajarola. "VisGuided: A Community-driven Approach for Education in Visualization". Proceedings Eurographics Education Papers 2021. |
R. Pajarola, S. Suter, R. Ballester-Ripoll, H. Yang. "Leveraging Different Tensor Approximation for Multidimensional and Multivariate Data". Anisotropy Across Fields and Scales 2021. |
A. Pandya, N. Popovic, A. Diehl, I. Ruginski, S. Fabrikant, R. Pajarola. "Leveraging Different Visual Designs for Communication of Severe Weather Events and their Uncertainty". Abstracts of European Meteorological Society Meeting 2021. |
C. Mura, R. Pajarola, K. Schindler, M. Niloy. "Walk2Map: Extracting Floor Plans from Indoor Walk Trajectories". Computer Graphics Forum 2021. |
A. Alireza, A. Diehl, and R. Pajarola. "LOCALIS: Locally-adaptive Line Simplification for GPU-based Geographic Vector Data Visualization". Computer Graphics Forum 2020. |
Y. Sun, Y. Miao, J. Chen, and R. Pajarola. "PGCNet: Patch Graph Convolutional Network for Point Cloud Segmentation of Indoor Scenes". The Visual Computer 2020. |
L. Fuentes Perez, L. Romero Calla, A. Montenegro, C. Mura, and R. Pajarola. "A Robust Feature-aware Sparse Mesh Representation". PG2020 Short Papers, Posters, and Work-in-Progress Papers, 2020. |
G. Pintore, C. Mura, F. Ganovelli, L. Fuentes-Perez, R. Pajarola, and E. Gobbetti. "Automatic 3D Reconstruction of Structured Indoor Environments". ACM SIGGRAPH Tutorials, 2020. |
R. Ballester-Ripoll, Peter Lindstrom and R. Pajarola. "TTHRESH: Tensor Compression for Multidimensional Visual Data". IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2020. |
S. Eilemann, D. Steiner, and R. Pajarola. "Equalizer 2.0 – Convergence of a Parallel Rendering Framework." IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2020. |
G. Pintore, C. Mura, F. Ganovelli, L. Fuentes-Perez, R. Pajarola and E. Gobbetti, "State-of-the-art in Automatic 3D Reconstruction of Structured Indoor Environments", Computer Graphics Forum, 2020 |
T. Lejemble, C. Mura, L. Barthe and N. Mellado. "Persistence Analysis of Multi-scale Planar Structure Graph in Point Clouds.", Computer Graphics Forum, 2020. |
L. Zawallich and R. Pajarola. "Analysis of Semantic Labeling of Point Clouds". June 2019. |
G. Halter, R. Ballester-Ripoll, B. Flückiger, and R. Pajarola. "VIAN: A Visual Annotation Tool for Film Analysis". Computer Graphics Forum, 38(3):119-129, June 2019. |
L. Romero Calla, L. Fuentes Perez, and A. Montenegro. "A minimalistic approach for fast computation of geodesic distances on triangular meshes". Computers & Graphics, September 2019. |
G.-T. Michailidis and R. Pajarola. "ASPIRE: Automatic Scanner Position REconstruction". The Visual Computer, 35(9):1209-1221, September 2019. |
R. Pajarola. "Tensor Methods for Global Sensitivity Analysis. Extended Abstract in Best of Data Science made in DE/AT/CH at Informatik.2019, September 2019. |
G.-T. Michailidis and R. Pajarola. "Enhanced Reconstruction of Architectural Wall Surfaces for 3D Building Models". Proceedings Eurographics (Posters), 2019. |
T. Lejemble, C. Mura, L. Barthe and N. Mellado. "Multi-Scale Point Cloud Analysis.", Proceedings Eurographics (Posters), 2019. |
R. Ballester-Ripoll and R. Pajarola. "Tensor Decompositions for Integral Histogram Compression and Look-Up". IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 25(2):1435-1446, February 2019. |
R. Ballester-Ripoll, E. G. Paredes and R. Pajarola. "Sobol Tensor Trains for Global Sensitivity Analysis". Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 183:311-322, March 2019. |
2018 | |
R. Ballester-Ripoll, E. G. Paredes and R. Pajarola. "Tensor Algorithms for Advanced Sensitivity Metrics". SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification, 2018. |
M. Thöny, R. Schnürer, R. Sieber and R. Pajarola. "Storytelling in Interactive (3D) Geographic Visualization Systems". ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 2018. |
C. Mura , G. Wyss and R. Pajarola. "Robust Normal Estimation in Unstructured 3D Point Clouds by Selective Space Exploration". The Visual Computer, 2018. |
Matthias Thöny, Markus Billeter and R. Pajarola. "Large Scale Pixel-Precise Deferred Vector Maps". Computer Graphics Forum, 2018. |
R. Ballester-Ripoll , D. Steiner, and R. Pajarola. "Multiresolution Volume Filtering in the Tensor Compressed Domain". IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (2018). |
Y. Miao, Y. Sun, X. Fang, J, Chen, X. Zhang, and R. Pajarola. "Relief generation from 3D scences guided by geometric texture". Computational Visual Media (2018). |
B. Bürgisser, F. Zünd, R. Pajarola, and R.W. Sumner. "Campus Explorer: Facilitating Student Communities through Gaming". Proceedings International Conference on Game and Entertainment Technologies (2018). |
2017 | |
A. Amiraghdam , Matthias Thöny, and R. Pajarola. "Visualization of a Large Climate Dataset". IEEE Scientific Visualization Contest 2017. |
A. B. M. Tariqul Islam, C. Scheel, R. Pajarola, and O. G. Staadt. "Robust Enhancement of Depth Images from Depth Sensore". Computers and Graphics, 2017. |
C. Mura and R. Pajarola. "Exploiting the Room Structure of Buildings for Scalable Architectural Modeling of Interiors". Posters ACM SIGGRAPH, 2017. |
B. Flückiger, N. Evirgen, E. G. Paredes, R. Ballester-Ripoll and R. Pajarola. "Deep Learning Tools for Foreground-Aware Analysis of Film Colors". Workshop on Computer Vision in Digital Humanities, 2017. |
B. Bürgisser, D. Steiner and R. Pajarola. "bRenderer: A Flexible Basis for a Modern Computer Curriculum". Eurographics Education Papers, 2017. |
G.-T. Michailidis and R. Pajarola. "Bayesian Graph-cut Optimization for Wall Surfaces Reconstruction in Indoor Environments". The Visual Computer, 2017. |
2016 | |
Matthias Thöny, Markus Billeter and R. Pajarola. "Deferred Vector Map Visualization". SIGGRAPH Asia Symposium on Visualization, 2016. |
Rafael Ballester-Ripoll, Enrique G. Paredes and R. Pajarola. "A Surrogate Visualization Model Using the Tensor Train Format". ACM SIGGRAPH Asia Symposium on Visualization, 2016. |
C. Mura, O. Mattausch and R. Pajarola. "Piecewise-planar Reconstruction of Multi-room Interiors with Arbitrary Wall Arrangements". Computer Graphics Forum, 2016. |
R. Ballester-Ripoll and R. Pajarola. "Compressing Bidirectional Texture Functions via Tensor Train Decomposition". Pacific Graphics short papers, 2016. |
R. Ballester-Ripoll and R. Pajarola. "Tensor Decomposition Methods in Visual Computing". IEEE VIS Tutorials, 2016. |
R. Ballester-Ripoll and R. Pajarola. "Analysis of Tensor Approximation for Compression-Domain Volume Visualization". Spring Conference on Computer Graphics (invited presentation), 2016. |
D. Steiner, E. G. Paredes, S. Eilemann and R. Pajarola. "Dynamic Work Packages in Parallel Rendering". Eurographics Symposium on Parallel Graphics and Visualization, 2016. |
R. Ballester-Ripoll and R. Pajarola. "Structural Volume Inpainting via Tucker Dictionary Learning". Posters of the Workshop on Tensor Decompositions and Applications, 2016. |
R. Ballester-Ripoll and R. Pajarola. "Visual Data Processing in the Tensor Compressed Domain". Workshop on Tensor Decompositions and Applications, 2016. |
R. Ballester-Ripoll and R. Pajarola. "Lossy Volume Compression Using Tucker Truncation and Thresholding". The Visual Computer, 2016. |
2015 | |
M. Thöny and R. Pajarola. "Vector Map Constrained Path Bundling in 3D Environments". IWGS, 2015. |
M. Thöny, M. Billeter and R. Pajarola. "The Future of Scientific Terrain Visualization". SIGSPATIAL Vision Papers, 2015. |
D. Steiner, E. G. Paredes, S. Eilemann, F. Erol and R. Pajarola. "Dynamic Work Packages in Parallel Rendering". Department of Informatics, University of Zürich, Tech. Rep., 2015. |
Y.-W. Miao, F. Hu, X. Zhang, J. Chen and R. Pajarola. "SymmSketch: Creating Symmetric 3D free-form Shapes from 2D Sketches". Computational Visual Media, 1(1):3-16, 2015. |
G.-T.Michailidis and R. Pajarola. "Automatic Reconstruction of Wall Features under Clutter and Occlusion". Computer Graphics International (Short Papers), 2015. |
A. B. M. T. Islam, O. G. Staadt, C. Scheel and R. Pajarola. "Depth Image Enhancement using 1D Least Median of Squares". Computer Graphics International (Short Papers), 2015. |
A. Hinkenjann, O. G. Staadt, A. E. Kaufman, R. Pajarola and A. Lehmann. "Large, Ultra High Resolution Displays - LUHRDs". IEEE Virtual Reality (Tutorials), 2015. |
A. B. M. T. Islam, O. G .Staadt, C. Scheel and R. Pajarola. "Robust Enhancement of Depth Images from the Kinect Sensor". IEEE Virtual Reality Conference (Posters), 2015. |
C. Mura, O. Mattausch, A. Jaspe, E. Gobbetti and R. Pajarola. "Automatic Room Detection and Reconstruction in Cluttered Indoor Environments with Complex Room Layouts". Spring Conference on Computer Graphics (Invited CaG Talk), 2015. |
O. Mattausch, Jiri Bittner, Alberto Jaspe Villanueva, Enrico Gobbetti, Michael Wimmer, and R. Pajarola. "CHC+RT: Coherent Hierarchical Culling for Ray Tracing". Computer Graphics Forum, 34(2): 537-548, 2015. |
R. Ballester-Ripoll, Susanne K. Suter and R. Pajarola. "Analysis of Tensor Approximation for Compression-Domain Volume Visualization". Computers & Graphics, 47: 34-47, 2015. |
2014 | |
R. Preiner, O. Mattausch, M. Arikan, R. Pajarola and M. Wimmer. "Continuous Projection for Fast L1 Reconstruction". ACM Transactions on Graphics, 33(4)47:1-13, 2014. |
M. R. Balsa, E. Gobbetti, J. A. I. Guitiàn, M. Makhinya , F. Marton, R. Pajarola and S. K. Suter. "State-of-the-art in Compressed GPU-Based Direct Volume Rendering". Computer Graphics Forum, 33(6): 77-100, 2014. |
M. Thöny and R. Pajarola. "GPU Accelerated Chart Visualization in GIS Using Point Splatting". Extended Abstract Proceedings of the GIScience, 2014. |
G.-T. Michailidis, R. Pajarola and I. Andreadis. "High Performance Stereo System for Dense 3D Reconstruction". IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 24(6):929-941, 2014. |
M. Agus, E. Gobbetti, A. Jaspe, C. Mura and R. Pajarola. "SOAR: Stochastic Optimization for Affine global point set Registration". Proceedings International Workshop on Vision, Modeling and Visualization (VMV), 103-110, 2014. |
C. Mura, O. Mattausch, A. Jaspe, E. Gobbetti and R. Pajarola. "Automatic Room Detection and Reconstruction in Cluttered Indoor Environments with Complex Room Layouts". Computers & Graphics, 44:20-32, 2014. |
C. Mura, A. Jaspe, O. Mattausch, E. Gobbetti and R. Pajarola. "Reconstructing Complex Indoor Environments with Arbitrary Walls Orientations". Proceedings Eurographics (Posters), 2014. |
O. Mattausch, D. Panozzo, C. Mura, O. Sorkine-Hornung and R. Pajarola. "Object Detection and Classification from Large-Scale Cluttered Indoor Scans". Computer Graphics Forum, 33(2):11-21, 2014. |
2013 | |
C. Mura, O. Mattausch, A. J. Villanueva, E. Gobbetti and R. Pajarola. "Robust Reconstruction of Interior Building Structures with Multiple Rooms under Clutter and Occlusions". Proceedings IEEE Conference on Computer-Aided Design and Computer Graphics, pages 52-59, 2013. |
S. K. Suter. "Interactive Multiresolution and Multiscale Visualization of Large Volume Data". PhD thesis, Institut für Informatik, Universität Zürich, 2013. |
S. K. Suter, M. Makhinya and R. Pajarola. "TAMRESH: Tensor Approximation Multiresolution Hierarchy for Interactive Volume Visualization". Computer Graphics Forum, 32(8):151-160, 2013. |
M. Thöny and R. Pajarola. "GPU based graph bundling using geographic reference information". In SIGGRAPH Posters, 111:1, 2013. |
S. Friedland, V. Mehrmann, R. Pajarola and S. K. Suter. "On Best Rank One Approximation of Tensors". Journal of Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications, 20(6): 942-955, 2013. |
R. Pajarola, S. K. Suter and R. Ruiters. "Tensor Approximation in Visualization and Graphics". In Proceedings Eurographics Tutorials, May 2013. |
R. Balsa, E. Gobbetti, J. A. I. Guitiàn, M. Makhinya , F. Marton, R. Pajarola, S. K. Suter. "A Survey of Compressed GPU Direct Volume Rendering". In Proceedings Eurographics State of The Art Report (STAR), pages 117-136, May 2013. |
P. Schlegel and R. Pajarola. "Visibility-difference entropy for automatic transfer function generation". In Proceedings SPIE Conference on Visualization and Data Analysis, February 2013. |
P. Goswami, F. Erol, R. Mukhi, R. Pajarola and E. Gobbetti. "An Efficient Multiresolution Framework for High Quality Interactive Rendering of Massive Point Clouds using Multi-way kd-Trees". The Visual Computer, 29(1):69–83, 2013. |
2012 | |
Y.-W. Miao, J.-Q. Feng, J.-R. Wang and R. Pajarola. "A multi-channel salience based detail exaggeration technique for 3D relief surfaces". Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 27(6):1100–1109, November 2012. |
R. Pajarola. "Information overload". Public Service Review: European Science and Technology, (16):76-77, 2012. |
S. Eilemann, A. Bilgili, M. Abdellah, J. Hernando, M. Makhinya, R. Pajarola, and F. Schürmann. "Parallel Rendering on Hybrid Multi-GPU Clusters". In Proceedings Eurographics Symposium on Parallel Graphics and Visualization, pages 109-117, 2012. |
S. K. Suter and R. Pajarola. "Tensor approximation properties for multiresolution and multiscale volume visualization". In Posters IEEE Visualization Conference, 2012. |
F. Guggeri, R. Scanteni and R. Pajarola. "Shape Reconstruction from Raw Point Clouds using Depth Carving". In Proceedings EUROGRAPHICS Short Papers, pages 33–36, 2012. |
Y.-W. Miao, J. Bösch, R. Pajarola, M. Gopi, and J.-Q. Feng. "Feature sensitive re-sampling of point set surfaces with gaussian spheres". SCIENCE CHINA Information Science, 55(9):2075–2089, September 2012. |
M. Makhinya . "Performance Challenges in Distributed Rendering Systems". PhD thesis, Institut für Informatik, Universität Zürich, 2012. |
K. Zhou and R. Pajarola. "Guest Editor’s Introduction: Special Section on the Eurographics Symposium on Parallel Graphics and Visualization (EGPGV)". In IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 18(6):837, June 2012. |
2011 | |
P. Goswami and R. Pajarola. "Time Adaptive Approximate SPH". In Proceedings Eurographics Workshop Virtual Reality Interaction and Physical Simulation, pages 19-28, 2011. |
S. K. Suter, J. A. Iglesias Guitian, F. Marton, M. Agus, A. Elsener, C. Zollikofer, M. Gopi, E. Gobbetti, and R. Pajarola. "Interactive Multiscale Tensor Reconstruction for Multiresolution Volume Visualization". IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 17(12):2135–2143, December 2011. |
P. Schlegel, M. Makhinya , and R. Pajarola. "Extinction-based Shading and Illumination in GPU Volume Ray-Casting". IEEE Transaction on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 17(12):1795–1802, December 2011. |
Y. Miao, J. Feng and R. Pajarola. "Visual Saliency Guided Normal Enhancement Technique for 3D Shape Depiction". Computers & Graphics, 35(3):706–712, June 2011. |
F. Erol, S. Eilemann and R. Pajarola. "Cross-Segment Load Balancing in Parallel Rendering". In Proceedings Eurographics Symposium on Parallel Graphics and Visualization, pages 41–50, 2011. |
C. Papageorgopoulou, S. K. Suter, F.J. Rühli, and F. Siegmund. "Harris Lines Revisited: Prevalence, Comorbidities, and Possible Etiologies". American Journal of Human Biology, 23:381-391, May 2011. |
P. Schlegel. "Automatic Transfer Function Generation and Extinction-Based Approaches in Direct Volume Visualization". PhD thesis, Institut für Informatik, Universität Zürich, 2011. |
G. Prashant. "Level-of-Detail and Parallel Solutions in Computer Graphics". PhD thesis, Institut für Informatik, Universität Zürich, 2011. |
J. Bösch. "Efficient Stream-Processing of Large Geometric Data Sets". PhD thesis, Institut für Informatik, Universität Zürich, 2011. |
T. Kuhlen, R. Pajarola, and K. Zhou. In Proceedings Symposium on Parallel Graphics and Visualization, Eurographics Association, 2011. |
2010 | |
J. Junod. "Counterpoint Worlds and Morphisms: A Graph-Theoretical Approach and its Implementation on the Rubato Composer Software". PhD thesis, Institut für Informatik, Universität Zürich, 2010. |
S. K. Suter, C. Zollikofer and R. Pajarola. "Application of Tensor Approximation to Multiscale Volume Feature Representation". In Proceedings Vision, Modeling and Visualization, pages 203-210, 2010. |
P. Goswami, Y. Zhang, R. Pajarola and E. Gobbetti. "High Quality Interactive Rendering of Massive Point Models using Multi-way kd-Trees". Pacific Graphics Poster Papers, pages 93-100, 2010. |
P. Goswami, P. Schlegel, B. Solenthaler and R. Pajarola. "Interactive SPH Simulation and Rendering on the GPU". In Proceedings ACM SIGGRAPH/Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation, pages 55-64, 2010. |
J. Ahrens, K. Debattista and R. Pajarola. In Proceedings Symposium on Parallel Graphics and Visualization, Eurographics Association, 2010. |
T. Hübner. "A Real-Time Vision-Based Mobile Robot System". PhD thesis, Institut für Informatik, Universität Zürich, 2010. |
S. K. Suter, C. Zollikofer and R. Pajarola. "Multiscale Tensor Approximation for Volume Data". Department of Informatics, University of Zürich, Tech. Rep. IFI-2010.0, 2010. |
P. Goswami, M. Makhinya , J. Bösch and R. Pajarola. "Scalable Parallel Out-of-core Terrain Rendering". In Proceedings Eurographics Symposium on Parallel Graphics and Visualization, pages 63-71, 2010. |
M. Makhinya , S. Eilemann and R. Pajarola. "Fast Compositing for Cluster-Parallel Rendering". In Proceedings Eurographics Symposium on Parallel Graphics and Visualization, pages 111-120, 2010. |
2009 | |
G. Bebis et al.. Advances in Visual Computing. Springer-Verlag, pages 5875-5876, 2009. |
B. Solenthaler and R. Pajarola. "Performance Comparison of Parallel PCISPH and WCSPH". Department of Informatics, University of Zürich, Tech. Rep. IFI-2009.0, 2009. |
B. Solenthaler. "Incompressible Fluid Simulation and Advanced Surface Handling with SPH". PhD thesis, Institut für Informatik, Universität Zürich, 2009. |
G. Cuccuru, E. Gobbetti, F. Marton, R. Pajarola and R. Pintus. "Fast Low-memory Streaming MLS Reconstruction of Point-Sampled Surfaces". In Proceedings Graphics Interface, pages 15-22, 2009. |
J. Bösch and R. Pajarola. "Flexible Configurable Stream Processing of Point Data". In Proceedings Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision, pages 49-56, February 2009. |
J. Bösch, P. Goswami and R. Pajarola. "RASTeR : Simple and Efficient Terrain Rendering on the GPU". In Proceedings EUROGRAPHICS Areas Papers, pages 35-42, 2009. |
Y. Miao, P. Diaz-Gutierrez, R. Pajarola, M. Gopi and J. Feng. "Shape Isophotic Error Metric Controllable Re-Sampling for Point-sampled Surfaces". In Proceedings IEEE International Conference of Shape Modeling and Applications, pages 28-35, 2009. |
T. Hübner and R. Pajarola. "Realtime Vision-based Lateral Drift Correction". In Proceedings EUROGRAPHICS Short Papers, pages 13-16, 2009. |
T. Hübner and R. Pajarola. "Real-time Feature Acquisition and Integration for Vision-based Mobile Robots". In Proceedings International Symposium on Visual Computing, pages 189-200, 2009. |
P. Schlegel and R. Pajarola. "Layered Volume Splatting". In Proceedings International Symposium on Visual Computing, pages 1-12, 2009. |
S.-E. Yoon, D. Manocha, D. Kasik, E. Gobbetti, R. Pajarola and P. Slusallek. "Interactive Massive Model Rendering". IEEE Visualization Tutorial, 2009. |
B. Solenthaler and R. Pajarola. "Predictive-Corrective Incompressible SPH". ACM Transactions on Graphics, 28(40):1-6, August 2009. |
Y. Miao, R. Pajarola and J. Feng. "Curvature-aware Adaptive Re-sampling for Point-Sampled Geometry". Computer Aided Design, 41:395-403, June 2009. |
S. Eilemann,M. Makhinya and R. Pajarola. "Equalizer: A Scalable Parallel Rendering Framework". IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 15:436-452, May/June 2009. |
P. Diaz-Gutierrez, J. Bösch, R. Pajarola and M. Gopi. "Streaming Surface Sampling using Gaussian ϵ-nets". The Visual Computer, 25:411-421, May 2009. |