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Department of Informatics Business Intelligence Research Group

Welcome to the second Sino-Swiss Workshop on Big Data Research

March 13rd, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, P.R. China

The Research-innovation Community (RiC) on Big Data Research in Science, Engineering, and Management (SEM) is a program funded by Sino Swiss Science and Technology Cooperation (SSSTC) in Switzerland. It aims to encourage and strengthen individual contacts by building a multi-level research relationship between institutions, research groups as well as individuals.

The purpose of this workshop is to allow both Swiss and Chinese SSSTC partners to get to know each other and set up possible relationships.

Chair: Prof.Dr. Daning Hu (University of Zurich,Switzerland)

Local Co-chair: Prof.Dr. Huajun Chen (Zhejiang University,China)

Web Master: MrXiao Li (University of Zurich, Switzerland)

The hotel information for this workshop is as follows:

Name: Yuanzheng Qizhen Hotel

Address: 866 Yuhangtang Road, Hangzhou, Zhejiang China.

Tel: 86 571 8898 2888

Google Map:

You can download the PDF document of the information of the hotel from here:Hotel_Information (PDF, 50 KB). You can print the document and show it to the taxi driver.

The schedule of this workshop can be found here:

March 13th Monday, 2017:

Time Events Speaker (Group)
8:45-9:00 A.M. Welcome speech

Prof. Huajun Chen

(Zhejiang University, China)

9:00-10:00 A.M. Keynote speech and research talk

Prof.Abrahm Berstein, Shen Gao, Bibek Paudel

(University of Zurich, Switzerland)

10:00-10:30 A.M. Blockchain as a New Mechanism for Secure Data Flow in Business

Prof. J. Leon Zhao

(City University of Hong Kong, China)

10:30-11:00 A.M. The Social network and its influence on users' continuous behaviors

Prof. Xi Chen

(Zhejiang University, China)

11:00-11:30 A.M. Coffee Break  
11:30-12:00 A.M. Social Influence on Cross-buy Decisions

Jeroen van den Ochtend (Prof. René Algesheimer)

(University of Zurich, Switzerland)

12:00-13:30 P.M. Lunch Conference Hotel (QiZhen Hotel)
13:30-14:00 P.M. Big Social Media Data Analytics: Challenges and Applications Dingqi Yang (Prof. Philippe Cudré-Mauroux)
(University of Fribourg, Switzerland)
14:00-14:30 P.M. The impact of customers' minor ethical transgression: an empirical analysis Zhao Yang (Prof. René Algesheimer)
(University of Zurich, Switzerland)
14:30-15:00 P.M. FoodEXP: Investigating the relationship between food, nutrition and mood in social media (Video Based)

Yuruten Onur (Prof. Pearl Pu)

15:00-15:30 P.M. Coffee Break  
15:30-16:00 P.M. Understanding the Impacts of Social Influence on Initial and Sustained Participation in Open Source Software Projects

Prof. Daning Hu

(University of Zurich) 

17:00-17:45 P.M. Panel Talk Prof. Abrahm Berstein, Prof. Huajun Chen, etc.
18:00 P.M. Dinner   
