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The Swiss RE’22 Hub is over. It was a great success, with 22 people attending. We thank everybody for their contributions and engagement.
This year, we will again organize a Swiss hub for jointly attending RE’22, the 30th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference, which will take place virtually from Melbourne, Australia.
To create a real conference experience and foster local networking of RE people in Switzerland, the Swiss program committee members Samuel Fricker, Martin Glinz, and Norbert Seyff are organizing a local Swiss RE’22 Hub for the RE’22 attendees in Switzerland. RE people from other European countries are also welcome as attendees.
Wednesday August 17 to Friday August 19, 2022
The RE’22 conference sessions will take place from 11:00-16:00 Swiss time. We expect three parallel sessions and will provide three seminar rooms for attending these sessions. Around the conference sessions, we will organize a local RE workshop, giving attendees the opportunity for presenting ongoing work, and discussing problems, ideas and experiences. Additionally, there will be ample opportunity for socializing and networking in person.
Draft program (as of 2022-05-18)
The early registration fee for registrations until June 16 is CHF 490. It includes seminar participation, all meals, break refreshments, a banquet on Thursday evening and onsite accommodation (single room) for two nights. Attendees who do not need accommodation pay a reduced registration fee of CHF 270.
Additionally, participants must register for RE’22. The regular fee is AUD 120 (about CHF 86), which means that the total cost for attending RE’22 at the Swiss RE’22 Hub is considerably lower than the “normal” participation fee for a physical conference.
Due to space limitations at Kloster Kappel, the number of participants is limited to 30. Registrations are processed in the order of receipt on a first-come-first-served basis.
As the Swiss RE’22 Hub is a physical, in-person event by definition, remote participation is not possible.
Samuel Fricker (FHNW, Switzerland)
Martin Glinz (UZH, Switzerland)
Norbert Seyff (FHNW, Switzerland)
We thank our institutions for generously providing organizational and financial support for the Swiss RE’22 Hub.