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Department of Informatics Requirements Engineering Research Group

Contributing to the Garuso Research Project


Our goal is to motivate stakeholders outside organizational reach to participate in requirements elicitation. Therefore, we explore the potential of game-based (gamification) approaches in the field of Requirements Engineering.

In particular, we create and use synergies of combining theories from motivational psychology, economy, and game design with the latest developments in requirements engineering.

To test our solution and evaluate the results we built prototype that combines social media with Gamification.

For the prototype of the Garuso platform, we created a 3-D motivation concept that tailors gamification based on the theories of experiential learning and basic human needs along the elicitation process to (1) requirements elicitation and (2) stakeholders outside organizational reach. The concept is evaluated with a prototype that is implemented in Python3.x, Django, and PostgreSQL.

Get involved in our research

You are welcome, to support the Garuso project and contribute to our latest case study on "generating electricity with your body power": Inspire and get inspired.

With your participation you support our research on successfully applying gamification in requirements engineering, contribute to sustainable development, and will hopefully have fun while doing so ☺.

We are happily looking forward to your support. Find some more information directly on the Garuso platform here or in the following.

Background Information on our latest case study

Energy efficiency is one of the main topics in the current discussions about sustainable development.

  • Where can we as individuals contribute to energy efficiency?
  • How can software systems support and motivate us in doing so?
  • What are the requirements of these software systems?


“Generating electricity with our body power” brings new life to this discussion. And your ideas are the ones needed for this undertaking -regardless whether you are physically active or not.

How could a software system motivate you (or your friends) to work out more and most of all: to workout to generate electricity and to raise awareness about electricity consumption? And, what would you like (them) to experience and to learn during the workout whilst generating electricity?

We investigate answering these questions in the Requirements Engineering Research Group (RERG) in cooperation with the Informatics and Sustainability Research Group (ISR) at the Department of Informatics at the University of Zurich (IFI).

You are invited to support our research by sharing your needs and ideas about this innovative software system with like-minded folks, and by getting inspired by one another. To participate, you don’t need to have any knowledge on electricity generation, software systems, or working out is required!

For sharing your ideas, we use the prototype of the Garuso platform. The Garuso platform was developed by us in the course of the Garuso research project at the Department of Informatics at the University of Zurich. It is a social media platform that applies gamification for sharing and shaping ideas about innovative software systems from the get go.


Your privacy matters to us and we respect it in the following way:

  • The personal information you decide to provide will not be given to any third parties.
  • The data you generate is anonymized and can therefore not be traced back to you.
  • The data is stored on a server of the Department of Informatics of the University of Zurich at the department in Switzerland and deleted from there latest by the end of 2018.
  • The anonymized data will exclusively be used for research purposes in the fields of requirements engineering, sustainability, and gamification.

We are happily looking forward to your support. For more information and participation Inspire and get inspired


Case Studies

In the scope of this research we conduct the two case studies CarbonFoodPrint and EnergySufficientWorkout with different industry partners. The two case studies are briefly described in the following.

Case Study 1: CarbonFoodPrint

The overall goal of this case study was to support and motivate meal planners with game-based elements (gamification) to select ingredients for their meals whose production and transportation have emitted less CO2 than their alternatives. For more information on this case study, please check The Carbon Foodpring Case Study

Case Study 2: EnergySufficientWorkout

We currently use the prototype of the Garuso platform for this case study. The overall goal in this case study is the elicitation of requirements for a game-based software system that motivates and support people to work out at a gym. For more information on this case study, please check The Energy Efficient Workout Case Study

And, join us in this project: Inspire and get inspired.


Project Members

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