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Department of Informatics Artificial Intelligence Lab (ARCHIVE)

Artificial Intelligence Lab (closed since Prof. Pfeifer’s retirement in 2014)

AI Lab Team, December 2012

The goal of the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory is to foster intelligence in all its facets by promoting excellence in basic research, education, and society at large. With our activities we hope to contribute – in small ways – to making the world a better place in the 21st century.

How the body shapes the way we think: Rolf Pfeifer at TEDxZurich

Robots on Tour

The AI Lab proudly presents:

"World Congress & Exhibition of Robots, Humanoids, Cyborgs and more"

Our International Anniverary Event took place on March 8/9, 2013 in Zurich.
Check out our website for further information:


The AI Lab is developing a brandnew humanoid robot called Roboy, demonstrating leading edge technology in bio-inspired humanoid robots. Find out more about Roboy on and become friends with Roboy on Facebook!
Roboy made his first public appearance at Robots on Tour 2013.


How the Body Shapes the Way We Think by Rolf Pfeifer and Josh C. Bongard is now available in English, Chinese, Japanese, and soon in Arabic.

Arab Scientific Publishers, 2012 (ordering information will be available soon)

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