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Department of Informatics Business Intelligence Research Group

Dr. Jiaqi Yan

Dr. Jiaqi Yan  顏嘉麒
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Business Intelligence Research Group
Department of Informatics
University of Zurich
Binzmühlestrasse 14
CH-8050 Zürich
Room BIN 2.A.24


• PhD in Information Systems (Joint Program with USTC), 09/2006 - 10/2010

   Department of Information System, City University of Hong Kong, Supervisor: Huaiqing Wang (HKCityU)

   PhD in Management Science and Engineerin, 09/2005 - 06/2010

   School of Management, University of Science and Technology of China, Supervisor: Zhongsheng Hua (USTC)

Ph.D. Thesis: A Modeling Approach for Quality Inspection in Supply Chain Quality Management

Committee: Doug Vogel (Chair), Chengqi Zhang, Choon Ling Sia, Yulin Fang, Ying Fan, Taizhong Hu

• B.Sc in Management Science, University of Science and Technology of China, 09/2000 - 06/2004

• LL.B. (double major) in Economy Laws, University of Science and Technology of China, 09/2001 - 06/2004

Selected Research Projects

• PI, "Bank-NAST: Managing Systemic Risks in Banking Systems", Forschungskredit der Universität Zürich - Postdoc, Amount: CHF 42, 010.

• Project Lead, "A Belief-Desire-Intention Modeling Approach for Decision Support in Inspection-Oriented Quality Management", Hong Kong Research Grants Council 2011-2012

• Project Lead, "Intelligent Agent Supported Business Process Monitoring and Management Systems", Hong Kong Research Grants Council, 2009-2010

• Project Lead, "Adding Diagnostic Capability to Business Process management Systems by Intelligent Agents", Hong Kong Research Grants Council, 2007-2008

Journal Publications

[1] Kun Chen, Xin Li, Baoxun Xu, Jiaqi Yan, and Huaiqing Wang(2015), Intelligent agents for adaptive security market surveillance, Enterprise Information Systems.

[2] Jiaqi Yan, Wayne Yu, and J. Leon Zhao (2015), How signaling and search costs affect information asymmetry in P2P lending: The economics of big data, Financial Innovation.

[3] Jiaqi Yan, Daning Hu, Stephen Liao, and Huaiqing Wang (2014), Mining Agents' Goals in Agent-Oriented Business Processes, ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems.

[4] Daning Hu, Jiaqi Yan*, Leon Zhao, Zhimin Hua (2013), Ontology-based Scenario Modeling and Analysis for Bank Stress Testing, Decision Support Systems.

[5] Binge Cui, Huaiqing Wang, Kang Ye, Jiaqi Yan (2012), Intelligent agent-assisted adaptive order simulation system in the artificial stock market, Expert Systems with Applications.

[6] Kang Ye, Jiaqi Yan, Huaiqing Wang, Baiqi Miu, (2011) Knowledge level modeling for systemic risk management in financial institutions, Expert Systems with Applications.

[7] Jiaqi Yan, Kang Ye, Huaiqing Wang, and Zhongsheng Hua (2010), Ontology of collaborative manufacturing: Alignment of service-oriented framework with service-dominant logic, Expert Systems with Applications.

[8] Kang Ye, Shanshan Wang, Jiaqi Yan, Huaiqing Wang, and Baiqi Miu (2009), Ontologies for crisis contagion management in financial institutions, Journal of Information Science.

Conference Publications

[1]Jiaqi Yan, Daning Hu, and Yani Shi (2015), Systemic risk in P2P lending systems: An ontological Exploration, accepted by the SIGBPS Workshop on Business Processes and Services (BPS'15), Fort Worth Texas, USA

[2] Jiaqi Yan, Sherry Sun, Huaiqing Wang, Yani Shi, and Daning Hu, Decision support systems to detect quality deception in supply chain quality inspections: Design and laboratorial evaluation, International Conferences on Information Systems (ICIS 2014).

[3] Jiaqi Yan, Dongming Xu, Daning Hu, and Yani Shi (2014), Context-aware dynamic information push: A perspective of mass customization in digital supply chain, in proceedings of the SIGBPS Workshop on Business Processes and Services (BPS'14), Auckland, New Zealand.

[4] Daning Hu, Xuan Yang, Jiexun Li, and Jiaqi Yan (2013), Identifying hidden community elites in online social networks, the China Summer Workshop on Information Management (CSWIM 2013).

[3] Jiaqi Yan, Daning Hu, and Leon Zhao (2013), An ontology-based approach for bank stress testing, the 46th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2013).

[5] Jiaqi Yan, Sherry Sun, Huaiqing Wang, and Zhongsheng Hua (2010), Ontology of collaborative supply chain for quality management, International Conference on Computer, Electrical, and Systems Science, and Engineering. Rome, Italy.

[6] Choon Ling Sia, Yani Shi, Jiaqi Yan, and Huaping Chen (2010), Web personalization for trust building in E-Commerce: A design science approach, International Conference on Computer, Electrical, and Systems Science, and Engineering. Rome, Italy.

[7] Jiaqi Yan, Yani Shi, Huaiqing Wang, and Zhongsheng Hua (2010), Intelligent agents for negotiation and recommendation in mass customization, the 14th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems(PACIS 2010).

[8] Shanshan Wang, Jiaqi Yan, Kaiquan Xu, Yuewen Liu, Long Liu. Huaiqing Wang (2010), A conceptual modeling approach to quality management in the context of diary supply chain, the 2nd International Conference on Information Science and Engineering (ICISE 2010).

[9] Jiaqi Yan, Shanshan Wang, Sherry Sun, Huaiqing Wang, and Zhongsheng Hua (2009), A belief-desire-intention logic model for analyzing the cheating behavior in quality control of dairy product, in the proceeding of 3rd IEEE International Conference on Digital Ecosystems and Technologies (IEEE DEST 2009), Istanbul, Turkey.

[10] Jiaqi Yan, Sherry Sun, Huaiqing Wang, and Zhongsheng Hua (2009), A belief-desire-intention modeling approach for inspection-oriented quality management, The Nineteenth Annual Workshop on Information Technologies and Systems (WITS'09). Phoenix, USA.

[11] Jiaqi Yan, Kang Ye, Huaiqing Wang, and Zhongsheng Hua (2008), Conceptual modeling of collaborative intelligent manufacturing for customized products: an ontological approach, in the proceeding of 12th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS 2008), Suzhou, P. R. China.

Academic Services

• Reviewer for Journals: ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems, Decision Support Systems, Buinsess and Information Systems Engineering, Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, Electronic Commerce Research and Application, Pacific Asia Journal of the Association for Information Systems, Knowledge Management & E-Learning, etc.

• Reviewer for Conferences: ICIS, ECIS, HICSS, AMCIS, WEB, PACIS, etc.

• Member of the Association for Information Systems (AIS), ERCIM, and INFORMS.

Recognition and Awards

• Excellent Graduates from University of Science and Technology of China (USTC)

• Excellent Student Prize of President Fellowships from Chinese Academy of Science (CAS) (top award in USTC & CAS)

• Lifetime Membership of Beta Gamma Sigma

• CASC Scholarship

• Peter Ho Scholarship

Technical Skills

• Programming Languages: Python, R, Java, C\C++\C#, .Net, XML

• Intelligent Agent: Jade, Jadex, Jess

• Network Analysis:Netdraw, UCINet, R(igraph, stat)

• Database: SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle, Access

• Internet Technologies: HTML, JSP, PHP, Applet, Servlet, JDBC, TOMCAT

Professional Research Experience

• University of Zurich – Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Jun.16, 2012 to present

• City University of Hong Kong – Senior Research Assistant, Oct.1, 2011-Jun. 15, 2012

• The University of Hong Kong – Research Assistant I, Sep. 1, 2011-Sep. 30, 2011

• City University of Hong Kong- Senior Research Assistant, Sep. 1, 2010 -Aug.31, 2011

   Research project: Centre for Applied Knowledge and Innovation Management (CAKIM) (Project No. 9360117)

   Principal Investigator: Prof. WANG Huaiqing

• City University of Hong Kong- Research Assistant Dec. 8, 2009-Augest 31, 2010

   Research project: Apply Dataflow Analysis to Workflow Design in Business Process Management (Project No. 7200102)  

   Principal Investigator: Prof. SUN Xiaoyun Sherry

• City University of Hong Kong- Research Assistant May 25, 2009-June 10, 2009

   Research project: Intelligent Agent Supported Business Process Monitoring and Management Systems (Project No. 7002244)

   Principal Investigator: Prof. WANG Huaiqing

• City University of Hong Kong- Research Associate Mar 14, 2008-June 1, 2008 

   Research project: Do-Not-Call Registry and Marketing Solicitations in Hong Kong (Project No. 9050202)

   Principal Investigator: Prof. HUI Kailung

• City University of Hong Kong- Research Assistant Jun 15, 2007-Aug 15, 2007

   Research project: Adding Diagnostic Capability to Business Process management Systems by Intelligent Agents

   (Project No. 9041031) Principal Investigator: Prof. WANG Huaiqing

• University of Science and Technology of China- Information System Developer 2004

   Research project: Equipment Management in University of Science and Technology of China

   Principal Investigator: Prof. HUA Zhongsheng

Teaching Experience

• Fall 2013, University of Zurich, Lecture: Business Network Analysis and Applications – Lecturer

• Spring 2013, University of Zurich, Seminar: Network-based Business Intelligence – Teaching Assistant

• Fall 2012, University of Zurich, Lecture: Network-based Business Intelligence – Teaching Assistant

• Fall 2010, Wuhan University of Technology, Lecture: Supply Chain Intelligent Quality Management – Instructor