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Department of Informatics Computation and Economics Research Group

Two new papers accepted at EC'16

Two papers from our group were accepted at EC'16. Both papers will be presented as talks at the 17th ACM Conference on Economics and Computation taking place on August 24-28, 2016, in Maastricht, The Netherlands.

  1. Clearing Payments in Financial Networks with Credit Default Swaps [Extended Abstract].
    Steffen Schuldenzucker, Sven Seuken, and Stefano Battiston. In Proceedings of the 17th ACM Conference on Economics and Computation (EC), Maastricht, NL, July 2016.[current working paper]
  2. The Pareto Frontier for Random Mechanisms [Extended Abstract].
    Timo Mennle and Sven Seuken. In Proceedings of the 17th ACM Conference on Economics and Computation (EC), Maastricht, NL, July 2016.[current working paper]
