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Department of Informatics Computation and Economics Research Group

Ermis Soumalias

Ermis Soumalias
Ph.D. Student
Department of Informatics
University of Zurich
Binzmühlestrasse 14,  CH-8050 Zürich
Room BIN 2.B.03

Short Bio

Since September 2020, Ermis is a Ph.D. student advised by Prof. Sven Seuken in the Computation and Economics Research Group at the Department of Informatics of the University of Zurich. He is also an affiliated Ph.D. student at the ETH AI Center. Ermis holds an Electrical and Computer Engineering Diploma from the National Technical University of Athens, Greece. In his diploma thesis, which was advised by Professor Dimitris Fotakis, he studied the sample complexity of profit maximization in deferred-acceptance auctions. He spent the summer of 2022 working as a research scientist intern at Meta under the supervision of  Riccardo Colini Baldeschi.

Research Interests

Mechanism Design, Market Design, Contract Theory, Learning Theory, Machine Learning.

Research Papers

  • Prices, Bids, Values: Everything, Everywhere, All at Once
    Ermis Soumalias*, Jakob Heiss*,  Jakob Weissteiner and Sven Seuken.
    Working paper. Full paper version including appendix: [ArXiv] 
  • The Pseudo-Dimension of Contracts
    Paul Duetting, Michel Feldman, Tomasz Ponitka and Ermis Soumalias.
    Authors in alphabetical order. Working paper. Available upon request. 
  • Truthful Aggregation of LLMs with an Application to Online Advertising 
    Ermis Soumalias, Michael Curry and Sven Seuken.
    Submitted toICLR'25. Full paper version including appendix: [ArXiv] 
  • Machine Learning-powered Course Allocation.
    Ermis Soumalias, Behnoosh Zamanlooy, Jakob Weissteiner and Sven Seuken.
    Abstract published in the Proceedings of the 25th ACM Conference on Economics and Computation (EC'24), New Haven, CT, July 2024.
    Full paper version including appendix: [ArXiv] [code]
  • Machine Learning-powered Combinatorial Clock Auction
    Ermis Soumalias*, Jakob Weissteiner*, Jakob Heiss and Sven Seuken.
    In Proceedings of the Thirty-eight AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI'24), Vancouver, Canada, February 2024.
    Full paper version including appendix: [ArXiv][code]
  • Revenue Maximization in Deferred-Acceptance Auctions
    Ermis Soumalias, Dimitris Fotakis and Panagiotis Patsilinakos.
    Working Paper. pdf (PDF, 310 KB)


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