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Department of Informatics Computation and Economics Research Group

Research Seminar Fall 2019

Each week, we hold a research seminar where speakers present work on topics at the intersection of Computer Science and Economics. Some of the presentations may be work in progress, while others may be presentations on papers that are already published. Everyone is welcome to attend! No registration necessary.


  • Room: 1.D.29 (may vary, see schedule)
  • Time: Mondays 16:30-18:00 (see schedule)
  • Organizer: Nils Olberg

Mailing List

If you would like to be informed about upcoming talks in this seminar and about other talks on topics related to Economics and Computer Science, then please send an email to the organizer, who will add you to our mailing list.


Mon, 04.11.


Vitor Bosshard

Understanding Incentives in Combinatorial Auctions under Incomplete Information (PhD proposal practice talk)

Mon, 18.11.


Craig Boutilier, Google AI

Reinforcement Learning in Recommender Systems: Some Challenges

Mon, 02.12. 1.D.29 Oleg Baranov, University of Colorado at Boulder

Combinatorial Clock Auction: Missing Theory