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Department of Informatics Computation and Economics Research Group


General Information

The MSc-Basismodul is an opportunity for students to learn about a particular area which is not covered (in such depth) in any course at UZH. At the Computation and Economics chair, we offer a variety of topics related to Economics and Computation. Students who are interested in doing a MSc thesis or a MSc project with us should let us know ahead of time, such that we may select a topic that prepares them in some way or another for their thesis or project. In most cases, we will prepare a list of papers and/or book chapters which the student must read by himself/herself. The examination is then a 25-minute oral exam. We are generally able to tailor the list of papers/chapters to the student's particular background and interests. Topics which we have offered in the past include:

  1. Market User Interface Design
  2. Behavioral Economics and Computation
  3. Matching Markets
  4. Combinatorial Auctions
  5. Prediction Markets
  6. Feedback Elicitation Mechanisms
  7. Financial Networks


A prerequisite for doing your MSc-Basismodul with the Computation and Economics Research Group is that either (a) you have already successfully completed the course "Economics and Computation" at UZH , or (b) you have already obtained equivalent knowledge (on algorithmic game theory, mechanism design, matching, social choice, etc.) in Economics and Computation at another university. If you satisfy condition (a) or (b), and if you want to do your MSc-Basismodul with Prof. Sven Seuken, then please send an email to Sven Seuken with the following information (please provide short, concise answers):

  1. Course "Economics and Computation": In which semester did you successfully complete the course "Economics and Computation", or what kind of equivalent background knowledge do you have?
  2. Transcript: A transcript listing all courses (with grades) you have taken in your BSc program and in your MSc program (if applicable), such that we can see what kind of background you already have.
  3. Future Plans: Are you planning on writing your BSc or MSc thesis with the Economics and Computation Group, and/or are you thinking about doing a MSc project with us? Note: "currently undecided" is completely fine.
  4. Topics: Which topics related to Economics and Computation are you particularly interested in?
  5. Starting Date: When would you like to begin your BSc-Vertiefungsprüfung or MSc-Masterbasismodul?
  6. End Date: By when would you like the examination to have taken place?
  7. Course Plan (for MSc only): A plan which courses you intend to take over the next few semester, until the end of your MSc program.

Once we have received this email from you, we will generally get back to you by email within 1-2 weeks to schedule an appointment. If you have any remaining questions, please do not hesitate to ask Prof. Seuken

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