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Department of Informatics Data Systems and Theory

Invited Talks, Tutorials, Keynotes

Below is a list of selected talks, tutorials and keynotes given by members of the DaST group. If no name is assigned to a talk, then it was given by Prof. Dan Olteanu.

  • Recent Increments in Incremental View Maintenance
  • Factorized Databases [video]
    • Probabilistic Circuits and Logic workshop, Logic and Algorithms in Database Theory and AI, Simons Institute for the Theory of Computing in Berkeley, California, October 2023. Given by Ahmet Kara.
  • Introduction to Incremental View Maintenance [slides, videos: part 1, part 2]
    • CS294-248: Topics in Database Theory, University of California, Berkeley, September 2023
  • Incremental View Maintenance [slides, videos: part 1, part 2]
    • Logic and Algorithms in Database Theory and AI Boot Camp, Simons Institute for the Theory of Computing, August 2023
  • Relational AI Systems: In Pursuit of Simplicity [slides (PDF, 8 MB)video]
    • Prof. Olteanu's inaugural lecture at UZH, Zurich, April 2023
  • From Joins to Aggregates and Optimization Problems: One idea to rule them all and at their core factorize them!
    • PhD Open lectures (6h lectures + 2h classes), University of Warsaw, November 2018. [slides part 1 part 2 part 3, video ]
    • Tutorial (3h lectures) at Alan Turing Institute, London, March 2018. [ slides, video]
    • Tutorial (3h lectures) at LogiCS/RiSE Summer School, TU Vienna, July 2017.
  • The Relational Data Borg is Learning
    • Database seminar, UC San Diego, June 2021.
    • Alumni Informatik, University of Zurich, May 2021.
    • IfI Colloquium, Zurich, December 2020.
    • Keynote at Very Large Data Bases (VLDB), Tokyo, September 2020.
  • Machine Learning through Database Glasses
    • Invited talk at Databases and AI workshop at NeurIPS conference, December 2021.
  • Machine Learning over Static and Dynamic Relational Data
  • Learning Models over Relational Data
    • Keynote at FG DB Symposium "ML for Systems and Systems for ML", TU Darmstadt, March 2020. [symposium link, slides]
    • Invited Tutorial at International Conference on Scalable Uncertainty Management (SUM), Compiègne, December 2019. Given by Max Schleich.
    • IC Colloquium: Learning Models over Relational Databases, EPFL, Lausanne, October 2019. [video]
    • Dagstuhl Seminar "Logic and Learning", September 2019.
    • Keynote at Int Conf on Database Theory (ICDT) and Extending Database Technology (EDBT), Lisbon, March 2019. [slides]
    • Keynote at 34ème Conférence sur la Gestion de Données – Principes, Technologies et Applications (BDA), Bucharest, October 2018.
    • Invited Talk in Special Session on Logic and Learning, Highlights of Logic, Games, and Automata. Berlin, September 2018.
  • Incremental Techniques for Large-Scale Dynamic Query Processing
    • Tutorial (3h lectures, with Ahmet Kara, Stijn Vansummeren, Iman Elghandour) at CIKM 2018 Int Conf on Information and Knowledge Management, Turin, October 2018. Given by Iman Elghandour, Ahmet Kara, Dan Olteanu and Stijn Vansummeren. [tutorial]
  • In-Database Linear Algebra
    • RelationalAI Iceland Conference, Dalvik, July 2018.
  • Factorised Databases: 26-Minute Overview [slides, video]
    • Fellow Short Talks Series, Alan Turing Institute, November 2017, London.
  • A Unified Approach to Incremental View Maintenance of In-Database Analytics
    • Computer Science Seminar, Free University of Brussels, December 2017, Brussels. [ slides]
    • TorontoCon, RelationalAI, October 2017, Toronto (Canada). [ slides]
    • Workshop on Big Graph Analysis Systems, U. Copenhagen, August 2017. Given by Milos Nikolic.
  • Probabilistic Databases
    • Tutorial at The National Archives, London, November 2017. [slides]
  • In-Database Factorized Learning
    • Spring workshop on Mining and Learning 2018, Titisee, March 2018.
    • Logic for Data Science Seminar Series, Alan Turing Institute, December 2017, London. [slides, video]
    • TorontoCon, RelationalAI, October 2017, Toronto (Canada). [ slides]
    • Dagstuhl Workshop on Recent Trends in Knowledge Compilation, Sept 2017.
    • Workshop on Big Graph Analysis Systems, U. Copenhagen, Aug 2017.
    • DB and CDT in Data Science Seminar, U. Edinburgh, March 2017.
    • CS Colloquium, U. Warwick, March 2017.
  • Taming Large Answers to Keyword Queries
    • Keynote at KEYNOTE conference, Cluj, September 2016.
  • Probabilistic Databases and Reasoning
    • Invited tutorial, Knowledge Representation (KR) conference, Cape Town, April 2016. [slides first part]
  • Yo Dawg, We Heard You Like Datalog Engines..
    (so we put a datalog engine in your datalog engine so you can derive while you derive!)
    • OAK seminar, INRIA Saclay, Paris, October 2014.
    • Oxford Information Systems Seminar, Oxford, October 2014.
    • Stanford CS 346 (as part of industry talk series), May 2014.
    • LogicBlox compiler/runtime seminar, Berkeley (California), April 2014.
    • Invited Speaker, NorCal DB Day, IBM Almaden Research, San Jose (California), April 2014.
  • Learning Regression Models over Factorised Joins [slides]
    • SystemML and DB Seminar, IBM Almaden, Oct 2016.
  • A Dichotomy for Queries with Negation in Probabilistic Databases [slides, video]
    • Uncertainty in Computation workshop, Simons Institute for the Theory of Computing, Berkeley, Oct 2016.
    • Algorithms Seminar, Oxford CS, Nov 2015.
  • Cultural Learnings of Factorized Databases for Make Benefit Glorious Family of Regression Tasks
    • Data Science Seminar, LogicBlox, Oct 2015.
    • Tech Seminar, Palantir, Palo Alto, Aug 2015.
    • Tech Seminar, LogicBlox, Berkeley, Aug 2015.
    • Database Seminar, Université Lille 1 and INRIA Lille - Nord Europe. July 2015, Lille.
  • Factorized Databases: A Knowledge Compilation Perspective
    • Symposium on New Frontiers in Knowledge Compilation, June 6, 2015, Vienna.
  • Factorised Relational Databases (on various content within the FDB project)
    • Keynote at Alberto Mendelzon Workshop, May 6, 2015, Lima.
    • LSDS (Large-Scale Distributed Systems) seminar, Imperial College London, November 2014.
    • Google MapReduce Infrastructure Seminar, February 7, 2014, Mountain View (California).
    • Pivotal Colloquium Series, January 24, 2014, Palo Alto (California).
    • LogicBlox Internal Online Seminar, December 17, 2013, Berkeley (California).
    • Google Ads Infrastructure Seminar, November 20, 2013, Mountain View (California).
    • Database Seminar, UC Santa Cruz, November 18, 2013, Santa Cruz (California).
    • Database Seminar, U Washington, November 8, 2013, Seattle (Washington).
    • AmpLab Seminar, UC Berkeley, October 30, 2013, Berkeley (California).
    • EECS Seminar, UC Merced, October 11, 2013, Merced (California).
    • Birkbeck Computer Science Departmental Seminar, March 2012, London.
    • Systems Seminar, EPFL, Feb 2012, Lausanne.
  • Beyond Query Evaluation in Probabilistic Databases (on various aspects of the SPROUT, ENFrame, and Pigora projects)
    • Invited Speaker, Scalable Uncertainty Management (SUM), Sept 2014 (upcoming).
  • Probabilistic Databases are Dead, Long Live Probabilistic Databases! (on various aspects of the SPROUT, ENFrame, and Pigora projects)
    • Invited Speaker, Big Uncertain Data Workshop at PODS, Snowbird, June 21, 2014.
    • Knowledge World Research Seminar, Google, February 21, 2014, Mountain View (California).
  • Write-Optimized Data Structures
    • LogicBlox BamaCon, Sehoy Plantation, June 18, 2014.
  • Readability of Query Provenance
    • CS Colloquium, UC Davis, August 30, 2013, Davis (California).
  • Factorised Representations of Query Results
    • Database Seminar, University of Edinburgh, March 2011, Edinburgh.
    • Dagstuhl Seminar on "Foundations of Distributed Data Management", Oct 2011, Dagstuhl.
  • The Case of Relational Algebra Queries in Probabilistic Databases
    • IC Colloquium, EPFL, January 2011, Lausanne.
  • A Look at Probabilistic Databases through SPROUT glasses
    • Statistics Departmental Seminar, November 2010, Oxford.
  • Probabilistic XML via Markov Chains
    • FOX annual meeting, April 2010, Amsterdam.
  • A Toolbox of Query Evaluation Techniques for Probabilistic Databases [slides]
    • Invited speaker at Management and mining Of UNcertain Data (MOUND), In conjunction with ICDE, March 2010, Long Beach.
    • Invited speaker at Logic in Databases (LID), October 2009, Copenhagen.
  • Incomplete and Probabilistic Data Management [slides]
    • Tutorial at FOX training week, October 2009, Dortmund.
  • Scalable Query Processing in Probabilistic Databases with SPROUT
    • Database Group of Technical University of Vienna, September 2009, Vienna.
    • Invited speaker at EPFL Summer Research Institute, June 2009, Lausanne.
    • CS department of Technical University of Munich, March 2009, Munich.
    • Database Group of University of Washington, January 2009, Seattle.
  • Using OBDDs for Efficient Query Evaluation on Probabilistic Databases
    • Dagstuhl Seminar no. 08421: Uncertainty Management in Information Systems, October 2008, Dagstuhl.
  • MayBMS: A Database Management System for Uncertain and Probabilistic Data
    • CS Department of University of Lugano, Feb 2008, Lugano.
  • 10^10^6 Worlds and Beyond: Efficient Processing of Uncertain Data
    • Database Group of University of Edinburgh, December 2007, Edinburgh.