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Department of Informatics DDIS

Current Trends in Dynamic and Distributed Information Systems (BSc/MSc, 03SMBINFS153)

Room Number

The room number where the seminar takes place will be announced soon via the course catalogue DDIS Seminar in the Course Catalogue.


This seminar sheds light on selected aspects of dynamic and distribution systems currently being researched by the DDIS group members. This year, the list of topics is as follows:

Crowdsourcing & Human-Machine Collaboration

  • Humans and Bots in Wikidata's Peer Production (BSc Topic)
  • Online User Engagement (MSc Topic)
  • Solving Data Science Tasks using Collaborative AI (MSc Topic)
  • Argument Mining: What Works and What Does Not? (BSc Topic)
  • Argument Mining: Can You Say That? (MSc Topic)
  • Uncertainty and Disagreement in the Human Annotation (BSc Topic)
  • Human-machine Collaboration for Data Science Task Formulation (MSc Topic)    

Deep Learning and Multimedia Applications        

  • Convolution and its Uses in Computer Graphics and Machine Learning (BSc Topic)
  • Graph Neural Networks (MSc Topic)

Explainable AI and Recommender Systems

  • Human-Centered Explainable AI (BSc Topic)
  • Explainable Movie Recommendations (MSc Topic)
  • Normative Aspects of Recommender Systems (BSc Topic)
  • Recommender Systems Based on Knowledge Graphs (MSc Topic)



The assessment of the seminar includes the following elements:

  • In groups of two, students will be required to prepare a 20-minute presentation of a research topic followed by a discussion.
  • One week before the presentation, each group submits and shares a handout of max. 2 A4 pages (including references) with terminology, definitions, and concepts required to understand their topic. 
  • Active participation during the seminar and attendance of at least 80% of the sessions.
  • Read all required papers and prepare a set of questions/comments/ideas for each session of the seminar (needs to be submitted online before each presentation).
  • A final written report of the topic presented, including a summary of the presentation’s discussion.

The presentations of the module will take place onsite if circumstances allow it. Exceptions can be made to allow for online participation. All documents are handed in electronically. The final report is due two weeks after the last session of the seminar.



The timeslot of the seminar is Thu, 14:00 - 15:45. The seminar starts on March 3, and it will be held on an irregular basis. Once all topics are allocated, we will communicate the exact dates of each presentation. We expect there to be around 6-7 sessions in total over the course of the semester where we all meet. 

Every group gets a supervisor for their topic. We strongly advise everyone to get in touch with their supervisors and schedule meetings to discuss the presentation and report. These meetings can be organized individually outside the seminar time slots.
This course will be managed using Microsoft Teams (there is no OLAT website available).

You can find the official course description here:

BSc Seminar Course Catalogue Description

MSc Seminar Course Catalogue Description