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Department of Informatics DDIS

Bachelor/Master Theses and Master Project Topics

This pages lists the open BSc. and MSc. thesis descriptions, as well as the master projects opportunities currently available in the DDIS research group.

If you are interested in any of the listed projects, please do not hesitate to contact the person mentioned in the open topic description.

If there are currently no open topics but you are generally interested in our research (see, or if you would like to propose a thesis about your own idea, you can send us an email to

Master thesis: User Experiment with Adaptive Questionnaires in Voting Advice Applications

Voting Advice Applications (VAA) such as Smartvote or Wahl-O-Mat depend on long questionnaires to recommend parties or candidates to a user. Recently, adaptive questionnaires have been introduced to optimize the data collection process and speed up recommendations in such applications. These adaptive questionnaires select the subsequent question based on the individual response profile of a user and, therefore, avoid redundancies.

The goal of this work is to conduct an experiment on users' behaviour and trust in such adaptive questionnaires. To this end, a self-hosted, adaptive VAA was built based on Smartvote. The student(s) should extend the front-end and back-end of this application to allow the test of a small number of hypotheses in an experiment with paid participants.

If interested, please contact us at the email address below. We can provide a more detailed description during a meeting. 

Note: This project can be offered as a Bachelor or Master thesis, as well as a Master project. The hypotheses will be adjusted accordingly. 

Requirements: Proficiency in Python for backend algorithm development, knowledge of PostgreSQL and Redis for database management and caching, and expertise in Angular, NestJS, and Nginx for front-end integration and deployment.

Contact: Fynn Bachmann


Master Project: RareSim - Diagnosing Patients with Rare Diseases

Goal: Framework for experimenting with the diagnosis of patients with rare diseases.

The RareSim project aims at developing novel AI-based approaches to support physicians in their tasks of helping rare disease patient (in particular for diagnosis). Whilst these more than 7000 rare diseases each afflict less than 2000 people, it is estimated that for all these diseases together affect around 500’000 people in Switzerland.

Tasks during this project:

  1. Mapping between ICD codes (i.e., general conditions) and ORPHA codes (i.e., conditions focused on rare diseases)
  2. Extraction of symptoms from electronic health records
  3. Assigning ORPHA codes to patients with rare diseases

For more information, contact us!

Start date: after November 2024

Contact: Oana InelPascal Andermatt


Master Project: Explainable Recommender Systems Evaluation Framework

Explainable AI has become a popular research topic in many domains including recommender systems. Despite the popularity, the evaluation of explanation methods is still an open research topic which is why it is important to provide a research infrastructure that allows for a reproducible and comparative evaluation.

In this project, the students will improve and extend the first version of such an evaluation framework for recommender systems explanations that is based on the Cornac framework.


  • Improving and testing the existing code base.
  • Extending the dataset modalities.
  • Extending the current selection of explanation methods.
  • Adding evaluation metrics for explanation methods.
  • Adding a module to generate template-based text explanations.

The project is suitable for a group of 3-4 students and the scope will be adapted depending on the group size. If you have any questions or want to learn more about the project, send me an email. I'm happy to arrange a meeting with you.

Requirements: The existing code base is written in Python and Cython, so good programming and code comprehension skills in these languages are required. It is further helpful to have prior knowledge about recommender systems.

Start date: February 2025

Contact: Kathrin Wardatzky

Master Thesis: Power to the user - Controlling recommendations through explanations

Explanations for recommendations often tell a user why an item was recommended, but recent work suggests that this is not the optimal method to help a user make an informed decision and improve their understanding of why they received the recommendations.

In this thesis, the student will explore different methods to explain recommendations by giving the user control over the recommendations.
The tasks include:

  • Systematically analyzing existing explanation methods proposed in the literature that offer users to control the output of a recommender system.
  • Selecting and implementing suitable methods.
  • Evaluating the implemented methods with a user study.

If you are interested in this topic and/or want to learn more about it, don't hesitate to email me.

Contact: Kathrin Wardatzky

Master Thesis: Debate or counterfactuals - Comparing non-local explanation methods for recommender systems

Explanations for recommendations often justify to a user why one recommended item has been recommended but there is little work on how other explanation methods compare to this explanation type. The goal of this thesis is to explore two alternative methods to generate explanations, debate dynamics and counterfactuals.

Reasoning with debate dynamics has been an effective method for link prediction tasks. Given the proximity to the recommendation problem, it can be a promising method to generate and explain recommendations.

Counterfactual explanations have become a popular method to extract possible actions that change the predicted outcome of a model and allow a user to take control over the recommendations.

In this thesis, the student will:

  • Adapt the debate dynamics approach of Hildebrandt et al. to a recommendation problem
  • Explore, identify and implement suitable counterfactual explanation methods for recommender systems
  • Evaluate the pros and cons of both explanation approaches in comparison to local explanations

If you are interested in this thesis and would like to learn more, please reach out via email.

Contact: Kathrin Wardatzky

Master Thesis: Anonymization of Clinical Notes

Electronic health records (EHRs) offer easy and centralized access to patient information and are an important source of data for training and evaluating machine learning approaches. However, besides health-related information such as the medical history, diseases, and treatments, EHRs also contain sensitive information about the patients such as their name and age, and information regarding the treating physicians. To adhere to data protection regulations, the EHRs need to be first anonymized before being used for developing and testing machine learning approaches.

Goal: The goal of this thesis is to explore various methods to anonymize clinical notes written by medical professionals in German. Feasible approaches include rule-based approaches and natural language processing approaches.


  1. Conduct a literature review of anonymization techniques for clinical notes and assess their strengths and weaknesses.
  2. Design and implement (an) anonymization technique(s) that adapts or extends approaches in the literature.
  3. Evaluate the anonymization technique(s) proposed. The evaluation should focus on accuracy metrics (e.g., precision, recall, F1-score), the preservation of semantic similarity (e.g, BLEU), and the quantity of relevant information that gets lost in the anonymization process (e.g., information loss)

Start: January 2025

If you are interested in this topic, please reach out via email. 

Contact: Oana Inel

Master Thesis: Visual Interface for Supporting Clinicians with the Identification of Similar Patients

Electronic health records (EHRs) offer easy and centralized access to patient information and are an important source of data for training and evaluating machine learning approaches. Clinicians typically analyze similarities and differences between the current patient an former patients in order to provide a diagnosis. Their decisions are based on the information available in the EHRs of the patients. However, oftentimes, the EHRs contain large amounts of information that are difficult to analyze and visualize in comparison mode.

Goal: The goal of the thesis is to explore, design, and evaluate visual interfaces that facilitate the comparison of EHRs of two (or more) patients, supporting thus clinical decision-making.


  1. Conduct a literature review to identify possible visualizations of EHR for comparing two or more patient cases.
  2. (Optional) Conduct focus groups or semi-structured interviews with clinicians to identify their requirements for such interfaces.
  3. Design and implement various prototypes that use, adapt, or extend approaches in the literature and conform to clinicians’ requirements.
  4. Evaluate the proposed prototypes with clinicians in terms of their usability and effectiveness in supporting clinical decision-making.

Start: January 2025

If you are interested in this topic, please reach out via email. 

Contact: Oana Inel