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Department of Informatics

The Department of Informatics

At the Department of Informatics (Institut für Informatik, IfI) 18 professors, 23 post-doctoral researchers, and more than 100 PhD students are teaching, studying, and performing first-class research. Our topics include:

  • Information Systems
  • Software Systems
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Data Science
  • People-oriented Computing


Focus on human-centered Informatics

Information and communication technologies permeate data-driven economies and societies. Therefore, we dedicate a large part of our research efforts on human-centered informatics.

Teaching benefits from research

The results of our research are constantly being disseminated in our teaching. This allows us to offer up-to-date, sustainable study programs that meet the highest quality standards. Over 1200 major students – about 550 in the Bachelor programs and 650 in the Master programs – currently benefit from these efforts.

Commitment to our students

We are committed to our students by preparing them for a promising career. And we stay in touch with our graduates through UZH Alumni Informatik.

Competence since 1970

The University of Zurich offers the widest range of study courses in Switzerland and is the country's biggest university. The Department of Informatics was founded in 1970 and is part of the Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics at the University of Zurich.

Historically the Department of Computational Linguistics was affiliated to the Department of Informatics. It is now an independent institute within the Faculty of Arts. Prof. Dr. Martin Volk holds a dual professorship with the Department of Informatics.

Weiterführende Informationen

BSc Study Programs

Detailed descriptions on the website of the Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics:

MSc Study Programs

Detailed descriptions on the website of the Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics:
