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Davide Scaramuzza spricht darüber, warum uns humanoide Roboter so faszinieren und weshalb es noch eine Weile dauern wird, bis sie uns im Alltag unterstützen werden.
As of 1 February 2025, Ivan De Oliveira Nunes joins the Department of Informatics as tenure-track Assistant Professor of Cybersecurity. Warmly welcome, Ivan!
André Meyer, in collaboration with Thomas Fritz, has received funding from the DIZH for their project «FlowTeams». Congratulations!
Davide Scaramuzza is collaborating with the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) for the 2030 Mars Science Helicopter mission.
Atomic, a Task and Note Taking System, has been selected for the UZH Innovation Grant.
Congratulations to Tarek Alakmeh, research assistant at the Human Aspects of Software Engineering Lab, and Amos Calamida, master’s student in Artificial Intelligence.
Clara-Maria Barth, a PhD student at the Interactive Visual Data Analysis Group and People and Computing Lab (IfI), co-organized together with Alexander Lill (IfI, Human Aspects of Software Engineering Lab) and Federica Zavattaro (UZH Institute for Implementation Science in Health Care) the DSI Health Innovathon from November 21st to 22nd at the Digital Society Initiative (DSI) at the University of Zurich.
Paul Ferdinand Safari has been awarded an FS2024 Semester Award for his outstanding Bachelor’s thesis, entitled «RecRef, a reflection-promoting visual analytics tool for athletic training and recovery».
The paper «Market or Markets? Investigating Google Search's Market Shares Under Vertical Segmentation» by Desheng Hu, Jeffrey Gleason, Muhammad Abu Bakar Aziz, Alice Koeninger, Nikolas Guggenberger, Ronald E. Robertson, and Christo Wilson has won the Best Paper Honorable Mention at the International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM) in Buffalo, USA.
Congratulations to Desheng Hu from the Social Computing Group led by Anikó Hannák!
Konstantinos Kitsios from the Zurich Empirical Software Engineering Team receives one of this year’s Bodossaki Foundation Scholarships. Congratulations!
Christopher P.E. Zollikofer and Marcia Ponce de León, former researchers at the Department of Informatics, have been studying with their team the evolution of humans for years. The latest study has just been published by «Nature». Congratulations!
Abraham Bernstein erklärt im DSI Spotlight, wie Algorithmen die Meinungsbildung positiv beeinflussen können.
Congratulations! Davide Scaramuzza and his team have been awarded the Jury Award at the Cybathlon 2024.
Giorgia Ramponi investigates reinforcement learning, imitation learning, and multi-agent systems, advancing machine learning for autonomous and interconnected systems.
Wie könnte sich die Arbeitswelt durch die Anwendung von Künstlicher Intelligenz (KI) verändern? Darüber diskutierten Abraham Bernstein und David Dorn im Talk im Turm zum Thema «Mit Köpfchen und KI. Wie wir künftig arbeiten».
Congratulations! Jürgen Bernard, together with Mennatallah El-Assady from ETH Zürich, has been granted a project that will explore multi-criteria decision support.
Wie wird in Zukunft unsere Zusammenarbeit mit Künstlicher Intelligenz (KI) aussehen? Wie lassen sich menschliche Fähigkeiten mit KI-Kompetenzen positiv kombinieren?
Jürgen Bernard and Viktor von Wyl receive a DSI Infrastructure & Lab Grant from the UZH Digital Society Initiative. Congratulations!
Manuel Günther receives the IEEE International Joint Conference on Biometrics’ Best Reviewer Award 2024. Congratulations!
Wie können und sollten Hochschulen mit der raschen Entwicklung von Künstlicher Intelligenz (KI) umgehen? Das Positionspapier der Digital Society Initiative der UZH formuliert umfassende Empfehlungen.
Simon Klaassen has been awarded an HS23 Semester Award for his outstanding Bachelor's thesis, entitled «Bidders with Spite Towards the Auctioneer».
Ann-Kathrin Kübler, Hannah Rohe and Joël Inglin have been awarded an HS23 Semester Award for their outstanding Master's thesis, entitled «Modeling Innovation Diffusion in Sub-Saharan Africa – An Agent-Based Approach».
The Digital Device Use Self-monitoring Platform (D2USP) establishes an infrastructure for research that enhances our shared understanding of digital device use and its impact on society, individual well-being and productivity. The D2USP supports both researchers and citizens by offering a privacy-considerate, customizable, and user-friendly data-logging and self-monitoring software for both personal use and academic research.
Kexin Shi has been awarded a HS23 Semester Award for her outstanding Master's thesis, entitled «Extreme Parkour with Legged Robots».
Davide Scaramuzza's former PhD student Elia Kaufmann has been awarded the prestigious European PhD Award on Systems and Control 2023. Congratulations!
Francesco Sovrano from Zurich Empirical Software engineering Team receives an Early-Career fellowship for his research project «Explainig the Unexplainable: Bridging the Gap Between Generative AI and Theory-Driven Explanations». He will spend ten months at Collegium Helveticum, starting this September. Congratulations!
Ende Juli 2024 wird Lorenz Hilty, Professor am Institut für Informatik IfI der Universität Zürich UZH, emeritiert. Seit 2010 ist er hier als Professor für Informatik und Nachhaltigkeit tätig.
Recognizing obstacles – especially pedestrians – quickly and reliably is crucial for any driver-assistance system. Every millisecond counts when a car is moving at high speeds and a child runs across the street. However, traditional RGB cameras are comparatively slow as they either suffer from low framerates (missing events that happen between two frames) or, in the case of high framerates, generate too much data to evaluate quickly.
Using a clever combination of a regular RGB camera and a so-called “event camera” (which excels at recognizing pixel-precise changes, e.g., speed) Daniel Gehrig and Davide Scaramuzza from the IfI’s Robotics and Perception Group were able to construct a visual detector that recognizes potentially dangerous situations a hundred times as fast as the best driver-assistance camera systems available today. Gehrig (who also won the UZH Annual Award for his PhD Thesis about this work) and Scaramuzza published this groundbreaking method in Nature. Congratulations!
Daniel Gehrig, Davide Scaramuzza. Low Latency Automotive Vision with Event Cameras. Nature. 29 May 2024. DOI: 10.1038/s41586-024-07409-w
An der Promotionsfeier der Wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Fakultät konnte das Publikum wählen, wer den «Engagement Award» erhalten soll. Es freut uns sehr, dass dieser Preis, mit dem ein besonderes Engagement neben dem Studium gewürdigt wird, an Tarek Alakmeh ging.
Tarek hat sich als Präsident des Fachvereins ICU, strategischer Leiter von Bestande 2.0, der unabhängigen App für Modulbewertungen von Studierenden für Studierende und nicht zuletzt Fraktionspräsident «fvoec ⨉ ICU» im VSUZH-Rat auf vielfältige Weise für die Anliegen der Studierenden am Institut, an der Fakultät und an der Universität eingesetzt. Herzlichen Glückwunsch zu dieser Auszeichnung!
Seit 2010 ist Lorenz Hilty Professor am Institut für Informatik IfI der Universität Zürich UZH. Seit 2014 ist er zusätzlich Delegierter der Universitätsleitung für Nachhaltigkeit. Nun wird er Ende Juli emeritiert.
Congratulations! Davide Scaramuzza has been awarded the IEEE Kiyo Tomiyasu Award during the ICRA2024 conference.
Dan Olteanu will deliver the Gems of PODS talk at the PODS 2024 conference to be held in Santiago, Chile in June 2024. The Gems of PODS event features topics and results in PODS that have been highly influential in the PODS community and beyond.
Congratulations to our former PhD student Daniel Gehrig for receiving the prestigious UZH Annual Award for his PhD thesis «Efficient, Data-Driven Perception with Event Cameras».
Im Podcast «Paradigmen der Informatik» diskutieren Bachelorstudierende fundamentale Fragen der Informatik.
André Meyer and his team at UZH and USZ won a DIZH outreach grant for their research project «MindfulPacer». The DIZH (Digitalization Initiative of the Zurich Higher Education Institutions) outreach grants support projects with existing prototypes who want to increase visibility and the network at their target group. Congratulations!
Bitcoin and other types of cryptocurrency were created to overcome the monopoly of money. But what happened?
As of 1 February 2024, Giorgia Ramponi joins IfI as tenure-track Assistant Professor of Artificial Intelligence for Cyber-Physical Systems.
Warmly welcome, Giorgia!
2023 feierte das Institut für Informatik sein 50-jähriges Bestehen. Genau genommen ist das IfI aber schon 65 Jahre alt.