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Department of Informatics Information Management Research Group


CHAIS Doctoral Consortium 2024

We are happy to invite all Doctoral students in Information Systems in Switzerland to attend the 11th doctoral consortium (DC) of the Swiss Chapter of the AIS (CHAIS) that will take place at the University of Zurich (Oerlikon Campus) on Tuesday, September 10, 2024. The event will start at 10:00 a.m. and end at around 17:00.

We’ll host a get-together event the evening before, starting at 17:30. This will include a special keynote by Prof. Dr. Robert Winter (Link)It will also be the opportunity to socialize around a nice social event.

CHAIS is an association of all major Swiss Information Systems research groups at universities. DC faculty will be comprised of experienced professors from all major groups. Currently, the following professors have agreed to serve as DC faculty:

  • Prof. Dr. Gerhard Schwabe, University of Zurich
  • Assistant Prof. Dr. Ingrid Bauer-Hänsel, University of St.Gallen
  • Prof. Dr. Jens Dibbern, University of Bern
  • Dr. Mateusz Dolata, University of Zurich
  • Prof. Dr. Kazem Haki, Haute École de Gestion de Genève
  • Prof. Dr. Adrian Holzer, University of Neuchâtel
  • Prof. Dr. Christine Legner, University of Lausanne
  • Prof. Dr. Tobias Mettler, University of Lausanne
  • Prof. Dr. Stéphanie Missonier, University of Lausanne
  • Assistant Prof. Dr. Yash Raj Shrestha, University of Lausanne
  • Prof. Dr. Mario Sokhn, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland
  • Assistant Prof. Dr. Thiemo Wambsganss, University of Applied Science Bern
  • Prof. Dr. Ferdinand Thies, University of Applied Sciences Bern
  • Assistant Prof. Dr. Benjamin Van Giffen, University of St.Gallen
  • Prof. Dr. Robert Winter, University of St.Gallen
  • Dr. Liudmila Zavolokina, University of Zurich

The DC aims to provide multi-perspective feedback for doctoral dissertation projects, ideally in the middle (2nd or 3rd year) of their dissertation projects.

Around 10-15 doctoral students will be given the opportunity to present and discuss their research projects in small groups with other doctoral students and experienced faculty members from Swiss Universities.

Selection Process

Participants will be selected based on:

  • The quality of their proposed research and its potential contribution to the IS discipline,
  • The potential contribution the student can make to the DC, and
  • The potential benefit of the DC to the student’s research and professional development.

This assessment will be based on a review of the contribution prepared by the doctoral student (see details below). The final DC selection will include a balance of students representing diverse research topics, methods, schools, and cultures. The language of the DC is English, and all submitted materials must be in English. Students must have sufficient proficiency in English to participate in the presentations, discussions, and other activities.

Possible contributions

  • Idea Pitch: Describes concretely a starting situation, a possible problem in a topic area, and the goal, as well as 3 possible research questions.
  • Proposal: Describes the initial situation in a thematic field and a detailed state of the art of research in this field; plausibly discloses a problem; describes the goal as well as 3 research questions for solving the identified problem; describes the research approach and research method
  • Journal paper project: Presentation of a concrete paper that is to be extracted from the dissertation project for a journal.

Doctoral students are expected to:

  1. Apply to be admitted to the DC by June 1, 2024 (via e-mail; see below). Applications should include:
    • 1-page summary paper of their contribution (Idea Pitch, Proposal, Journal Paper Project)
    • Your supervisor in CC of the application e-mail
  2. Submit their work by August 1, 2024 (via mail; see below), which includes:
    • Proposal or Journal paper project: Submit a 5- to 10-page paper summarizing motivation, related work, problem statement/research gap, proposed research approach, and planned or actual evaluation.
    • Idea pitch: Submit a 2- to 4-page paper where you pitch your research idea.
  3. attend the DC on September 10, 2024, to discuss research in a plenary or a poster session format (details will be provided to accepted participants later).

Please note, that the use of generative AI (e.g., ChatGPT) for writing the paper is not permitted. Upon participation and if all the requirements are met, CHAIS will deliver a letter certifying successful participation. This letter might be useful in getting some credits in the home institution if applicable. DC attendance is free of charge. However, Participants are required to cover travel and accommodation costs with their own funds and be or become members of the CHAIS.

Key Dates:

  • June 1, 2024: Application (1-page summary)
  • August 1, 2024: 5- to 10-page paper (proposal/ journal paper) or 2- to 4-page paper (idea pitch)
  • September 10, 2024: Doctoral Consortium

All DC communication is to be directed (including “CHAIS DC 2024” in the subject line) to Sven Eckhardt via

Past CHAIS Talks & Seminars

In cooperation with the CHAIS (Swiss Chapter of the AIS) we offer a range of different talks & seminars:

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