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Here are some ideas on how to structure your product backlog for the project. I recommend sticking with the theme structure below. Remember to:
Stories in this theme describe how to access the data on the remote server, and translate it into a format useful for manipulation. For example, you will need a user story about data translation (e.g., XML parsing). Some form of this theme should figure prominently in Sprint 1.
Stories in this theme should be about data persistence once uploaded. Think of this as a weak form of caching. You might leave these to sprint 2.
Some stories in this theme concern verifying and displaying the imported data. For example, as a User I want to view the number of imported records, in order to verify the import worked. You will want a few stories from here in Sprint 1. Other stories in this theme will concern advanced visualization of the data on a map or 3-d layout. I suggest you leave these stories for Sprint 2.
The stories in this theme describe how your users will be able to share information. You may want a couple of these stories in Sprint 1, but I suggest you leave most of these stories for Sprint 2.
The stories in this theme describe which categories of users will be able to access information. You will likely want a couple of these stories in Sprint 1, but I suggest you leave some of these stories for Sprint 2.
In order to capture some of the non-functional properties of the application, these stories will talk about attributes. For example: