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Department of Informatics Requirements Engineering Research Group

Requirements Engineering I Assignments

The Requirements Engineering I course includes homework assignments, which are based on a case study. Students work on the assignments in groups and submit their work by the given deadlines. Groups organize themselves in OLAT.

The assignments will be discussed in class after the respective submission deadlines.

Working on the assignments and the assignment discussions are an integral part of the course. The assignments deepen and complement the material included in the lectures. This way, they enable students to apply basic Requirements Engineering knowledge and skills on a practical case.


Parallel attendance of the couse lectures in Requirements Engineering I.

Organisation of the Assignments

Materials Publication Date Submission Deadline Discussion
Assignment 1 2022-10-17 2022-10-28


Assignment 2 2022-11-07 2022-11-18
Case Study, Part 1 2022-10-17
Case Study, Parts 1&2 2022-11-07

This course is over. The assignments and case study are no longer available online, hence.

Submission instructions for assignments

  • The solutions must be submitted electronically by the deadlines stated above, in a single pdf file, to with subject RE_I_assignment_x_group_<group number>.
  • <group number> is the number of the group in OLAT. "x" stands for the number of the assignment.
  • Example: RE_I_assignment_1_group_07
  • Every group submits one joint solution. Submissions must be in English.
  • Name your pdf file as follows: Assignment_x_group_<group number>.pdf
  • Example: Assignment_1_group_04.pdf
  • On top of the first page of your pdf file, specify the group name and the names, surnames, email addresses and matriculation numbers (Matrikelnummer) of the group members.
  • For each task or sub-task in the assignment, specify which group member(s) has/have contributed to the solution.

Passing the assignments

In order to obtain the credits for the course, both assigments must be passed.

Pass criteria are:

•  Submission of work by the given deadlines,

•  Conforming to instructions about working on the assignments and who did what, and

•  Having worked on all tasks seriously.

Assignments will be neither corrected nor graded. The course grade will be based entirely on the result of the written exam.

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