All participants are requested to register for
the MSA event and let us know their room reservation data. Please do so
asap since rooms have been put on hold for us. Thanks!
Please note that since Hotel Monte Verita does
not accept credit cards (they would require individual bank transfers),
we provide a means for you to make your payment by credit card directly
to us. This works in this way:
- Fill in the registration form (the usual data)
- Print the filled-in form, then add your credit card info and fax it to us: +41 44 635 71 48,
Attn: MSA 2010 Conference Organization, Y. Engeler, University of Zurich, Dep. of Informatics, 8050 Zurich, Switzerland.
- Then you will receive a notification email about your
reservation and registration. Note that we will not store any credit
card data and all processing will be handled by our institute's
secretary only