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Department of Informatics s.e.a.l

Paper accepted for ICSE'15 NIER

We are excited to announce that our paper Rapid Multi-Purpose, Multi-Commit Code Analysis was accepted for the New Ideas and Emerging Results (NIER) track of the 37th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE) in Florence.

Existing code- and software evolution studies typically operate on the scale of a few revisions of a small number of projects, mostly because existing tools are unsuited for performing large-scale studies. We present a novel approach, which can be used to analyze an arbitrary number of revisions of a software project simultaneously and which can be adapted for the analysis of mixed-language projects. It lays the foundation for building high-performance code analyzers for a variety of scenarios. We show that for one particular scenario, namely code metric computation, our prototype outperforms existing tools by multiple orders of magnitude when analyzing thousands of revisions.

You can find a preprint of this paper online.
