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Department of Informatics s.e.a.l

Gathering, Analysis and Visualization of Patient Records on Mobile Devices

NOTE: This master project has already started with 4 master students and it is no longer available. Please contact Daniel Lawniczak if you would like to work on a similar project or thesis.

Topic: Developing a Smart Mobile Patient Platform

The goal of this Master Project (or master thesis) is to collaborate in a team of medical experts and entrepreneurs from Sanovation AG on designing, implementing, and testing mobile data gathering and visualization of patient records. A special focus is on large data modeling for later  analysis with means of business intelligence (data mining).

Work Packages

In particular, we foresee the following work packages:

  • WP1: Domain modeling with Ontologies (OWL)
  • WP2: Data gathering and conditioning for trend analysis
  • WP3: Visualization on mobile devices such as tablets and smartphones
  • WP4: Data analysis and data mining

As many patient records will be collected over time, it will be essential to model a scalable architecture and information model to deal with large data. In addition, proper means to manage that data on the front- and backend systems is vital for the project. An effective and highly usable UI adds to the list of requirements.

Project context

This master project will be performed in close collaboration with the CTI Project PainHawk, which is being pursued in our group over the next two years.

Start date and groups

You can start at any time, by arrangement. Typically the work is carried out over the summer, but there are no timing restrictions. Groups of students are welcome!


Please contact Daniel Lawniczak if you have any questions about this master project or master thesis. If you would like to apply for this project or thesis, please write a short text about your motivation and attach a scanned copy of your academic record.


Professor: Prof. Dr. Harald Gall
Assistant: Daniel Lawniczak
Start date: at any time, upon agreement
Language: German or English
ECTS credits: 18
Zielgruppe: Studierende im MSc Informatik
Voraussetzungen: MSc Informatik: Master-Basismodul
PPO 01: Software Engineering, Distributed Systems, Human Computer Interaction
Lernziel: In der Projektarbeit erlernen die Studierenden die Durchführung eines Projekts mit wissenschaftlichen Methoden

Weiterführende Informationen

Available Bachelor Thesis: Smartphone App Development

Project PainHawk is looking for a motivated student, who is interested in mobile technologies and who would like to cooperate with an innovative start-up.


Have a look at the pain diary which results out of this master project:

Project PainHawk

Have a look at the research project page for more information about the context of this master project.