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Department of Informatics

Module 1: Generative Language Models (3 days)

Day 1: Foundations of Language Models  

Instructor: Prof. Dr. Rico Sennrich

  • Introduction to Theoretical Concepts

    • Purpose of text completion as a learning objective
    • Overview of neural networks and inference methods
  • Text-Specific considerations

    • Approaches to tokenization and multilinguality
  • Technical limitations and ethical issues

    • Factuality, bias, and detection of language-model-generated text

Day 2: Prompt Engineering and the LM Ecosystem 

Instructors: Dr. Jannis Vamvas & Dr. Simon Clematide

  • Prompt Design Techniques

    • Strategies for zero-shot, few-shot, and complex workflow
  • Hands-On Session

    • Engagement with open-source tools like Huggingface and Google Colab notebooks.
    • Develop ideas for open-source demo app

Day 3: Building LM-based Applications for Specialized Tasks 

Instructors: Dr. Jannis Vamvas & Dr. Simon Clematide

  • Application Implementation

    • Building and presenting a demo app using the gradio framework.
  • Model Optimization

    • Aligning and fine-tuning language models for specific tasks.
  • Annotation and Generation

    • Semi-automatic annotation and explanation generation with generative AI.