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Department of Informatics Visualization and Multimedia Lab


Computer Graphics (BMI007)

Computer science lecture with exercises.

Read more: Computer Graphics (BMI007)

Data Visualization Concepts (BI0008)

Computer science lecture on the fundamental methods and techniques for interactive data visualization.

Read more: Data Visualization Concepts (BI0008)

Numerical Methods in Informatics (BI0003)

Computer science lecture with exercises.

Read more: Numerical Methods (BI0003)

Data Visualization and Analysis (BINF4245)

Computer science lecture on basic data analysis, visual analytics and scientific visualization techniques (complementing BINF4234).

Read more: Data Visualization and Analysis (BINF4245)

Seminar Best Practices and Guidelines for Visualization (BINFS161)

Computer science seminar examining different technologies, methods and concepts of interactive visualization methods.

Read more: Seminar Best Practices and Guidelines for Visualization (BINFS161)

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Student projects

We always have a number of exciting student projects available in 3D graphics, scientific visualization and multimedia, and our lab is constantly extended by sophisticated graphics and virtual reality equipment.

Hiwi positions

Are you looking to extend your computer science experience by practical work and systems programming in an exciting technical research project in computer graphics? From time to time we are looking for Hiwis that can support us in implementation and system development tasksFor a few research projects we are looking for Hilfsassistenten. Ideally you have experience with system-level programming (e.g. dynamic memory allocation, external devices I/O) and using a graphics API (e.g. OpenGL), and are familiar with (or extremely eager to learn...) C/C++.
