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Department of Informatics People and Computing Lab

ZPAC @ CHI 2016

We're happy to announce that ZPAC members have two full papers at CHI 2016. In the first paper, "Integrating the Smart Home into the Digital Calendar", Sarah, Elaine, and their colleague at Microsoft Research investigate visualize smart home data using a calendar metaphor. In the second paper, "Trigger-Action Programming in the Wild",sSarah and her colleagues at Brown University and Carnegie Mellon University, studied the ecosystem of trigger-action website IFTTT.

Moreover, we will demo VibroVision, a vest for blind users that renders the visual scene in front of the user with a 2D vibration image on the torso. We will also present a poster about Grabrics a fabric input controller. These works are the collaboration between Chat and his colleagues at RWTH Aachen University.

Christian is going to attend a workshop that brings together researchers from Sustainable HCI to reflect on the challenges the field is facing and collaboratively collate and develop a set of patterns for SHCI research (position paper here).
