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Department of Informatics People and Computing Lab

Colloquium: Prof. Geraldine Fitzpatrick

Prof. Geraldine Fitzpatrick will visit ZPAC and talk about her research in the course of the IFI colloquium on May 26, 2011 (7.15pm at room BIN 2.A.01, open to everyone).

Abstract: As mobile, wireless and pervasive technologies mature, there is enormous potential to provide new ways of delivering health care, whether it is promoting well being, supporting self-care, improving clinical decision-making and information sharing, or helping care for an aging population at home. Designing effective Health IT has always been challenging. It is a complex domain involving diverse stakeholders with diverse needs and inter-dependencies. As technology moves out of clinical settings into patients’ hands and people’s homes the issues become even more complex. How do we design in a way that can both meet the needs of the health care system while also delivering value to the people on the ground who need to use the technologies? How do we re-conceptualise the role of care embedded into everyday life rather than in a discrete clinical encounter? This presentation will explore some of these issues, bringing an HCI perspective, and drawing on case studies as relevant, to consider how to design for care with care.
