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Hi, I'm Nemanja Memarovic and I'm currently a postdoc at People and Computing lab at the University of Zurich. I conduct multidisciplinary research that lies on the intersection of HCI and UbiComp, community informatics, environmental social science, and media studies. The overall goal of my research is to investigate how technology can help in 1) augmenting human interactions in the real world and 2) enhancing our experiences of physical settings. In the past five years I have explored extensively how human interactions in public spaces could be enhanced through a new communication system – networked public displays.
I did my PhD (2009-2014) in the context of the PD-NET project at the UbiComp group at the Faculty of Informatics, University of Lugano with Marc Langheinrich as my advisor. During my PhD I was a visiting researcher at the University of Oulu in Finland (2011) with Timo Ojala's group for the UbiChallenge competition where our FunSquare application received the first place. I have also been a visiting researcher on the Screens In The Wild project (2012-2013) at the Bartlet School of Graduate Studies, University College London where I worked together with Ava Fatah gen. Schieck on the Moment Machine application.
Before starting my PhD I was a research assistant at Project54, CATLab at Electrical Engineering, University of New Hampshire (UNH). At CATLab I was working with Andrew L. Kun on in-car multimodal user interfaces focusing on how visual and audio GPS interfaces effect driving performance. During my time at UNH I also obtained an MSc in Electrical Engineering (2007-2009).
I got my frist MSc degree from Computer and Electrical Engineering Department at the Faculty of Technical Sciences (FTN), University of Novi Sad (2001-2007). During my studies at FTN I worked for three months in 2006 as an intern at the Logistics Department at Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland on the motion simulator for the Gantry system. Shortly after graduating from FTN I worked for three months as a junior software developer at Prozone, Novi Sad, Serbia on the eDocumentus project.
I like to participate and help in organising conferences and workshops:) I was a PC co-chair for the Community Informatics conference in 2012 and 2013, Publicity Chair for PerDis 2012 (and also an in-situ Demo Chair) and 2015 , Web Chair for UbiComp 2013, and Workshop co-chair at C&T 2015. I've also organised couple of workshops with help of my colleagues and friends -- SOFTec 2012 and 2013 at UbiComp, ExS 2.0 at Communities and Technologies 2013, PD-Apps 2014 at PerCom, HCI-3P at DIS 2014, and PoS workshop at NordiCHI 2014. Also, I have been a regular PC member for PerDis conference since its foundation in 2012, a PC member for ICWSM in 2014, and C&T in 2015.
If you're interested in my research you can also check out my Google Scholar page.