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Department of Informatics People and Computing Lab

Clara-Maria Barth

Clara-Maria Barth

Clara-Maria Barth

Ph.D. Student of the groups ZPAC and IVDA

Address Room BIN 2.B.10
ORCID 0000-0002-6382-9321

Google Scholar





My research focus  is the user-centered design and development of personalized digital health solutions for people with chronic conditions.  I believe personalization should go beyond basic customizations and simplistic categorizations of people, instead taking advantage of increasingly abundant individual data, ubiquitous technologies and AI. My approach is to leverage user-centered design methods, machine learning and interactive data visualization at runtime.

If you are interested in working with health data, be it from a human-centered design or data-science perspective, please contact me.

Short Bio

I finished my Master's Degree in Informatics at the University of Zurich in August 2023. My major was People-Oriented Computing, and my minor was Informatics. I wrote my Master's thesis at the ZPAC group: "Well, it depends... Investigating the Needs and Expectations for Blood Glucose Predictions in People with Type 1 Diabetes".

I worked as a HiWi at theIVDA group from November 2021 until July 2023. Where my focus was time-stamped event sequences  see publication here and human-centered ranking of multivariate items see publication here. From Mai until August 2023 I was working as a HiWi at theZPAC group, focussing on blood glucose prediction in people with type 1 diabetes.

August 1st 2023 I started my Ph.D. supervised by Prof. Dr. Elaine May Huang and Prof. Dr. Jürgen Bernard with a scholarship from the DSI.

Current Projects

Find my current projects here


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