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Department of Informatics

Semester Award for Simon Klaassen

Simon Klaassen has been awarded an HS23 Semester Award for his outstanding Bachelor's thesis, entitled «Bidders with Spite Towards the Auctioneer». 

The Bachelor's thesis entitled «Bidders with Spite Towards the Auctioneer» was conducted under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Harald Gall and his assistants Alex Wolf and Marco Palma. In his study of cloud service auctions, Simon Klaassen makes a noteworthy contribution to the intersection of auction theory, agent-based systems, and software engineering, particularly addressing a gap highlighted by Bartling et al. concerning malicious behaviour directed towards the auctioneer.

Unlike previous studies, which primarily focused on bidder-to-bidder spite, this work examines the implications of spiteful preferences specifically targeted at the auctioneer. One particular finding of his study is the positive impact on auction efficiency despite the disruptive intent of spiteful bidders. Simon Klaassen's work extends beyond theoretical contributions, offering insights valuable to auctioneers and policymakers alike, suggesting further empirical validation in cloud service auctions.
