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Department of Informatics


News list

  • Collegium Helveticum fellowship for Francesco Sovrano

    Francesco Sovrano from Zurich Empirical Software engineering Team receives an Early-Career fellowship for his research project «Explainig the Unexplainable: Bridging the Gap Between Generative AI and Theory-Driven Explanations». He will spend ten months at Collegium Helveticum, starting this September. Congratulations!

  • Abschiedsvorlesung von Lorenz Hilty

    Abschiedsvorlesung von Lorenz Hilty

    Ende Juli 2024 wird Lorenz Hilty, Professor am Institut für Informatik IfI der Universität Zürich UZH, emeritiert. Seit 2010 ist er hier als Professor für Informatik und Nachhaltigkeit tätig.

  • Daniel Gehrig, Davide Scaramuzza. Low Latency Automotive Vision with Event Cameras. Nature. 29 May 2024

    Bio-Inspired Cameras and AI Help Drivers Detect Pedestrians and Obstacles Faster

    Recognizing obstacles – especially pedestrians – quickly and reliably is crucial for any driver-assistance system. Every millisecond counts when a car is moving at high speeds and a child runs across the street. However, traditional RGB cameras are comparatively slow as they either suffer from low framerates (missing events that happen between two frames) or, in the case of high framerates, generate too much data to evaluate quickly.

    Using a clever combination of a regular RGB camera and a so-called “event camera” (which excels at recognizing pixel-precise changes, e.g., speed) Daniel Gehrig and Davide Scaramuzza from the IfI’s Robotics and Perception Group were able to construct a visual detector that recognizes potentially dangerous situations a hundred times as fast as the best driver-assistance camera systems available today. Gehrig (who also won the UZH Annual Award for his PhD Thesis about this work) and Scaramuzza published this groundbreaking method in Nature. Congratulations!


    Daniel Gehrig, Davide Scaramuzza. Low Latency Automotive Vision with Event Cameras. Nature. 29 May 2024. DOI: 10.1038/s41586-024-07409-w

  • Tarek Alakmeh erhält den Engagement Award 2024

    Tarek Alakmeh gewinnt den Engagement Award 2024

    An der Promotionsfeier der Wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Fakultät konnte das Publikum wählen, wer den «Engagement Award» erhalten soll. Es freut uns sehr, dass dieser Preis, mit dem ein besonderes Engagement neben dem Studium gewürdigt wird, an Tarek Alakmeh ging.


    Tarek hat sich als Präsident des Fachvereins ICU, strategischer Leiter von Bestande 2.0, der unabhängigen App für Modulbewertungen von Studierenden für Studierende und nicht zuletzt Fraktionspräsident «fvoec ⨉ ICU» im VSUZH-Rat auf vielfältige Weise für die Anliegen der Studierenden am Institut, an der Fakultät und an der Universität eingesetzt. Herzlichen Glückwunsch zu dieser Auszeichnung!

  • Lorenz Hilty

    Chancen und Risiken der Digitalisierung für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung

    Seit 2010 ist Lorenz Hilty Professor am Institut für Informatik IfI der Universität Zürich UZH. Seit 2014 ist er zusätzlich Delegierter der Universitätsleitung für Nachhaltigkeit. Nun wird er Ende Juli emeritiert. 

  • IEEE Kiyo Tomiyasu Award to Davide Scaramuzza

    Congratulations! Davide Scaramuzza has been awarded the IEEE Kiyo Tomiyasu Award during the ICRA2024 conference. 

  • ACM Gems of PODS talk by Dan Olteanu

    Dan Olteanu will deliver the Gems of PODS talk at the PODS 2024 conference to be held in Santiago, Chile in June 2024. The Gems of PODS event features topics and results in PODS that have been highly influential in the PODS community and beyond. 

  • Daniel Gehrig receives UZH Annual Award for his PhD thesis

    Congratulations to our former PhD student Daniel Gehrig for receiving the prestigious UZH Annual Award for his PhD thesis «Efficient, Data-Driven Perception with Event Cameras». 

  • Podcast: Paradigmen der Informatik – grosse Fragen und kleine Revolutionen einfach erklärt

    Im Podcast «Paradigmen der Informatik» diskutieren Bachelorstudierende fundamentale Fragen der Informatik. 

  • DIZH outreach grant for André Meyer

    André Meyer and his team at UZH and USZ won a DIZH outreach grant for their research project «MindfulPacer». The DIZH (Digitalization Initiative of the Zurich Higher Education Institutions) outreach grants support projects with existing prototypes who want to increase visibility and the network at their target group. Congratulations!

  • Mining Coins

    Bitcoin and other types of cryptocurrency were created to overcome the monopoly of money. But what happened?

  • Prof. Dr. Giorgia Ramponi joins our Department of Informatics

    As of 1 February 2024, Giorgia Ramponi joins IfI as tenure-track Assistant Professor of Artificial Intelligence for Cyber-Physical Systems. 
    Warmly welcome, Giorgia! 

  • 50 Jahre Institut für Informatik

    2023 feierte das Institut für Informatik sein 50-jähriges Bestehen. Genau genommen ist das IfI aber schon 65 Jahre alt.

  • In memoriam: Prof. em. Dr. Niklaus Wirth

  • ICWSM 2023: Best Paper Award

    The paper «Google the Gatekeeper: How Search Components Affect Clicks and Attention» by Jeffrey Gleason, Desheng Hu, Ronald E.Robertson, and Christo Wilson has won the Best Paper Award at the International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM) in Limassol, Cyprus. 
    Congratulations to Desheng Hu from the Social Computing Group led by Anikó Hannák!

  • Andre Meyer

    Smartwatch app «MindfulPacer» helps Long Covid patients

    André Meyer-Baron and Carlo Cervia-Hasler developed «MindfulPacer» and were recently awarded with the UZH Postdoc Team Award for it. Congratulations!

  • Best Paper Award for Davide Scaramuzza’s lab at IROS 2023

    Congratulations! The paper “Autonomous Power Line Inspection with Drones via Perception-Aware MPC”  by J. Xing, G. Cioffi, J. Hidalgo-Carrió, and D. Scaramuzza won the best paper award at the IEEE Conference on Intelligent Robot and Systems.

  • Dan Olteanu

    Dan Olteanu named PVLDB Distinguished Associate Editor

    Dan Olteanu is honoured as Distinguished Associate Editor at Very Large Data Base (VLDB) 2023 for his work from March 2022 to June 2023 as associate editor of the Proceedings of Very Large Data Bases Volume 16.


  • Hilty Digitising the environmental paradigm

    Digitising the environmental paradigm

    On 19 September 2023, Lorenz Hilty gave a keynote in the Lecture Series «Making Sense of the Digital Society». The public event took place at the Urania Berlin.

  • AI Drone beats Human World Champions

    It is the first time that an autonomous mobile robot has beaten human champions in a real physical sport. The paper by Davide Scaramuzza and his team was published by «Nature». Congratulations!

  • Scientifica 2023

    At Switzerland's largest science festival, you will experience a week of research and science in direct exchange with researchers. 

  • Jürgen Bernard

    DSI Infrastructure & Lab Grant for Jürgen Bernard: SDG Research Scout

    Jürgen Bernard has received a DSI Infrastructure & Lab grant. Together with the teams of Martin Volk and Lorenz Hilty, he will design and develop an interactive tool for identifying content relevant to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in UZH's scientific publications, making it easier for UZH members to engange with SDG-relevant research.

  • Ning Wang

    Ning Wang receives a FAN Fellowship

    Ning Wang joined recently the Informatics and Sustainability Research Group. She receives one of this year's FAN Fellowships. Congratulations!

  • Lorenz Hilty Honorary Fellow Award ICT4S 2023

    Honorary Fellow Award an Lorenz Hilty

    Die ICT4S Community hat auf ihrer Jahreskonferenz in Rennes, Frankreich, den ersten Honorary Fellow Award an Prof. Lorenz Hilty verliehen.

  • In den Medien: New Work und FlowTeams

    Um eine gute Produktivität und ein hohes Wohlbefinden zu erreichen, benötigen Wissensarbeiter:innen eine gute Balance zwischen Fokusarbeit und Kollaboration im Team. Wie gelingt diese Balance?

  • Damaris Schmid

    Damaris Schmid hat den Engagement Award gewonnen

    Damaris Schmid wurde an der Promotionsfeier der Wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Fakultät mit dem «Engagement Award» ausgezeichnet. Herzliche Gratulation!

  • Carbon footprint of smartphones

    The Carbon Footprint of Smartphones

    The carbon footprint of smartphones is largely underestimated, as the focus has been mainly on the production phase – ignoring the impact of the entire life cycle of a smartphone. Lorenz Hilty emphasizes the importance of considering the environmental impact of our digital lives and calls for a shift towards a more sustainable and responsible use of technology.

  • Inaugural lecture by Dan Olteanu

    Dan Olteanu investigates the principles behind computational challenges for data processing and designs simple and scalable solutions towards these challenges in both academia and industry.

  • Lorenz Hilty

    Digitalisierung neu denken und umsetzen

    Die weltweite Mehrfachkrise wirft Fragen nach einem grundlegenden Veränderungsprozess auf. Dabei könnte die Veränderung durch digitale Technologien unterstützt werden. Einen Überblick dazu bietet der Bericht «Digital Reset».

  • Two-year project "Government as a Platform" receives DIZH funding and opens two PhD positions

    Liudmila Zavolokina, in collaboration with Gerhard Schwabe and Gianluca Miscione, has received further funding from DIZH for the project «Government as a Platform». Congratulations! 

  • Drone

    A new testing facility at Dübendorf Airport for drones

    LINA, the new testing facility, is unique in Europe. It was realised  thanks to the Digitalization Initiative of the Zurich Higher Education Institutions.

  • Martin Volk

    In den Medien: So verändert ChatGPT die Bildungs- und Berufswelt

    Martin Volk spricht unter anderem darüber, wie ChatGPT das Schreiben von Seminararbeiten unterstützen kann und weshalb ethische Fragestellungen in der Informatik zugenommen haben.

  • Davide Scaramuzza

    In the media: Ethical issues with AI

    Robotics researcher Davide Scaramuzza warns about deadly consequences of using drones and Artificial Intelligence for warfare.

  • HICSS 2023 Best Papier Award

    Best Paper Award for Liudmila Zavolokina, Kilian Sprenkamp and Birgit Schenk

    The paper «Citizens' Expectations about Achieving Public Value and the Role of Digital Technologies: It Takes Three to Tango!» has won the Best Paper Award in the Digital Government track at the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS).

  • Robotics stories

    In the media: Robotics stories

    The autonomous drone race by the Robotics and Perception Group is one of the top 10 robotics stories of 2022 by IEEE Spectrum. 

  • Abraham Bernstein

    SNF Sinergia grant for Abraham Bernstein

    Abraham Bernstein has received, together with partners from the University of Zurich and the University of Queensland, a Sinergia grant for the project «Large-Scale Political Participation: Issue Identification, Deliberation, and Co-creation».

  • In the media: Autonomous drones

    Robotics researcher Davide Scaramuzza speaks about the petition on militarian drones. 

  • UZH: Europe's best University in Blockchain (3rd worldwide)

    Thanks to the Blockchain Center, the University of Zurich ranks third in this year's Blockchain ranking of 240 schools worldwide. 

  • LCN Lifetime Achievement Award

    Burkhard Stiller receives LCN Lifetime Achievement Award

    At the 47th IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN) in Edmonton, Canada, Prof. Dr. Burkhard Stiller received, to his great surprise, an LCN Lifetime Achievement Award.

    Congratulations! 🏆

  • Alberto Bacchelli

    Inaugural lecture by Alberto Bacchelli

    Alberto Bacchelli pursues with his research the goal to make developers more effective and to improve software quality.

  • AdobeStock_509643745

    Study on digital products and climate protection

    A new study looks at the positive and negative climate effects of digital products and services.

  • Burkhard Stiller

    Burkhard Stiller appointed new Director of the Department of Informatics IfI

    The University of Zurich UZH has appointed Prof. Dr. Burkhard Stiller as new Director of the Department of Informatics IfI as of August 1, 2022. Building on previous processes and work laid out by his predecessor Prof. Dr. Renato Pajarola, he will continue guiding IfI through these complex times. 

  • Conference on Privacy-friendly and Trustworthy Technology

    GoodBrother International Conference on Privacy-friendly and Trustworthy Technology for Society

    Anton Fedosov, a postdoctoral researcher at the People and Computing Lab at IfI, co-organized together with Aurelia Tamò-Larrieux (Maastricht University, The Netherlands), Christoph Lutz (BI Norwegian Business School, Norway), Eduard Bosch-Villaronga (Leiden University, The Netherlands), and Anto Čartolovni (Catholic University of Croatia, Croatia) the GoodBrother International Conference on Privacy-friendly and Trustworthy Technology for Society on June 28, 2022 in Zagreb, Croatia.

  • Georges Giralt PhD Award for Antonio Loquercio

    Georges Giralt PhD Award for Antonio Loquercio

    Davide Scaramuzza’s former PhD student Antonio Loquercio won the Georges Giralt PhD Award at the annual European Robotics Forum in Rotterdam this week. This is the most prestigious PhD award for dissertations in robotics in Europe. Congratulations!

    Antonio finished his PhD in 2021 and is now a Postdoc at the University of California at Berkeley. His publications have been cited more than 1600 times already.

    Georges Giralt PhD Award

  • Gerhard Schwabe and Liudmila Zavolokina

    DIZH Rapid Action Grant for Gerhard Schwabe and Liudmila Zavolokina

    The DIZH (Digitalization Initiative of the Zurich Higher Education Institutions) supports four projects which deal with emergencies as a result of the war against Ukraine. Gerhard Schwabe and Liudmila Zavolokina won a DIZH Rapid action grant for their project “Government as/is a platform”. Congratulations!

  • Maximilian Böker

    Congratulations for the Semester Award HS21

    Maximilian Böker has been awarded a HS2021 Semester Award for his BSc thesis, entitled «An Empirical Analysis of the Recommendation Algorithm of TikTok».

  • Gordon B. Davis

    In memoriam: Honorary Doctor Prof. Gordon B. Davis

    Gordon B. Davis passed away on 6 May 2022 at the age of 91. He received the Honorary Doctorate of the University of Zurich in 1995 for his important contribution to computer based management and information systems. 

  • Dan Olteanu

    Dan Olteanu wins Test of Time Award

    The International Conference on Database Theory (ICDT) presented the Test of Time Award 2022 to Dan Olteanu. The award recognizes the paper «Factorized Representations of Query Results: Size Bounds and Readability» by Dan Olteanu and Jakob Závodný. Congratulations!

  • Informatiktage 2022

    Informatiktage 2022

    Die sechste Ausgabe der Informatiktage ging erfolgreich über die Bühne. In Zusammenarbeit mit dem Science Lab UZH boten wir sieben Online-Kurse für Schulklassen auf Primar- und Sekundarstufe an zu den Themen «Was ist ein Programm» und «Umweltinformatik». Diese Kurse waren innert kurzer Zeit ausgebucht – das grosse Interesse von Lehrpersonen und Schüler:innen freut uns sehr!

    Ausserdem erzählten Informatikstudierende der ETH Zürich und der Universität Zürich in einer interaktiven Online-Veranstaltung aus ihrem Studiumsalltag, informierten über die verschiedenen Studienschwerpunkte sowie Vertiefungsrichtungen in der Informatik und beantworteten Fragen aus dem Publikum.

  • Jürgen Bernard

    Replicability Stamp Award

    The Graphics Replicability Stamp Initiative has awarded the paper «Visualizing Graph Neural Networks with CorGIE: Corresponding a Graph to Its Embedding». Congratulations to Jürgen Bernard!

  • International Day of Women and Girls in Science

    Der 11. Februar ist der «Internationale Tag von Frauen und Mädchen in der Wissenschaft» der Vereinten Nationen: Ein Tag, an dem die Leistungen von Frauen in der Wissenschaft gewürdigt werden und Frauen und Mädchen ermutigt werden sollen, sich für ein Studium und eine Karriere in den MINT-Fächern zu entscheiden.

    Im Rahmen dieses Tages bot die Universität Zürich spannende MINT-Veranstaltungen für Mädchen und junge Frauen an. Es freut uns, dass wir insgesamt fast 70 Teilnehmerinnen zu den Workshops und Führungen begrüssen durften!

  • Andre Meyer

    DIZH Rapid Action Grant for André Meyer

    André Meyer won a DIZH Rapid action grant for his research project «FlowLight». The DIZH (Digitalization Initiative of the Zurich Higher Education Institutions) supports projects for which concept and implementation plans already exist. Congratulations!

  • A new type of camera

    In the media: The event camera

    According to Davide Scaramuzza event cameras are about 40 times as efficient as frame cameras.

  • Abraham Bernstein

    Informationskrise und Pandemie

    Die Pandemie stellt Politik, Wirtschaft und Kultur auf die Probe. Was kann man aus den bisherigen Erfahrungen in der Schweiz lernen? 


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