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This group is tightly affiliated with the Digital Society Initiative, trying to brigde between different research groups in the whole University of Zurich.
The AIML group is invloved into several national and international research projects:
This project is a collaboration across four universities and one research institution, mostly hosted in the USA, and financed through the IARPA: The partners include:
This project is in collaboration with the Idiap Research Institute and under the lead of Sébastien Marcel. It is financed through the Hasler foundation.
This project is a joint effort between the University of Zurich, ETH Zurich and the University of Basel. It is lead by the Zurich Basel Plant Science Center and finaced though the SNF as anAgora Project.
Several external visitors have stayed in the AIML group:
The AIML group collaborates with other researchers and institutions. Master theses in the AIML group were written with the following collaborators:
Collaborations in terms of PhD thesis are as follows:
Next to the research in our field, we also have several activities in a larger context.