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Department of Informatics Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Group


Thesis Template

Fact Sheets, Documents and Forms

AIML Thesis Template (v1.5) (ZIP, 314 KB)

For BSc students

For MSc students


This page lists several ideas for Bachelor's and Master's theses. Most of the thesis proposals are based on recent research, exploring branches that most researchers overlook. Some Bachelor's theses proposals can be extended to Master's theses. While each page lists requirements, these are not strict requirements at the beginning of the thesis, but rather skills to acquire during the thesis. For more details, send me an email. Prof. Dr. Manuel Günther


Topics for new Theses

Students are most welcome to develop their own topics, and we are happy to supervise them as long as the topic is anywhere close to our fields of expertise -- otherwise we are not able to provide fruitful input. General topics of interest to the AIML group include (but are not limited to):

  • Face Recognition: the identification of a person based on an image or a video of their face
  • Facial Attribut Classification: the classification of attributes (gender, hair color, face shape, ...) from facial images
  • Open-Set Classification: teaching classifiers to discern objects of classes of no interest
  • Adversarial Samples: generating small modifications of correctly classified samples that change the output of classifiers, or preventing these kinds of attacks
  • Explainable AI: which parts of the inputs are of great importance to the decision of deep learning systems
  • Traditional Features: How to make use of Gabor wavelets or other traditional image processing techniques in deep networks
  • Medical Image Processing: Applying of the above methods to medical images; I only host topics provided by other insitutitions (ETH, USZ, Balgrist, Idiap, ...)

Topics that we generally do not supervise are in the area of Natural Language Processing, Social Media, Robotics or Reinforcement Learning since we have other experts on these topics (Prof. Dr. Martin Volk, Prof. Dr. Anikó Hannák, Prof. Dr. Davide Scaramuzza, Prof. Dr. Giorgia Ramponi) in our department . If you have a topic in mind and believe that we would be a good supervisor for, please send me an email. Prof. Dr. Manuel Günther

Requirements and Submissions

It is a requirement to use LaTeX for writing the final thesis document. Students should use the AIML Thesis Template (ZIP, 314 KB).

Generally, all theses need to be defended, including Master theses (mandatory by the Department rules) and Bachelor theses. Usually, the defense will be scheduled about 3-5 weeks after the submission of the thesis. Deviating from the recommendations, the time for a Master thesis' defense presentation is 30 minutes followed by 15 minutes of questions, while a Bachelor thesis' defense should take 20-30 minutes of presentation and 10-15 minutes of questions.

Additionally, the source code for the thesis needs to be submitted, approximately at the time of the defense. The source code is typically written in Python and use the PyTorch library. It should be self-contained and make use only of public libraries and data (if possible). Source code needs to be documented. This allows fellow students to make use of previously implemented code.