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A recently-awarded paper by Chat Wacharamanotham, Lukas Eisenring, Steve Haroz and Florian Echtler surveys a situation in HCI and gives some recommendations.
Making research materials and data available for the public is one of the pillars of Open Science. How do researchers in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) share? What obstructs sharing? Is sharing on Github enough? Chat Wacharamanotham, Lukas Eisenring (IfI Master alumni) and their colleagues surveyed HCI researchers who publish at the CHI – a premier conference in HCI.
The results show that sharing is uncommon. This has partly to do with misunderstandings about the purpose of sharing and reliable hosting (Github included). But not sharing research artifacts limits the scientific progress. Chat Wacharamanotham and his colleagues present recommendations for open research practices.
The Best Paper Award (top 1%) is a recognition for this work, described in the paper «Transparency of CHI Research Artifacts: Results of a Self-Reported Survey». The full article can be publicly accessed at