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Department of Informatics

Ning Wang receives a FAN Fellowship

Ning Wang joined recently the Informatics and Sustainability Research Group. She receives one of this year's FAN Fellowships. Congratulations!

Ning Wang

Ning Wang, a senior researcher at the Department of Informatics and member of the Digital Society Initiative (DSI), is the recipient of one of the desired FAN Fellowships this year; the fellowship will support nine excellent young researchers.

The FAN (Förderung des Akademischen Nachwuchses) supports Wang's project «Der Himmel ist die Grenze? Ethische Akzeptanz von autonomen Systemen in der Schweiz», which is supervised by Prof. Lorenz Hilty.

The purpose of this project is to provide a basis for decision-makers in politics and business. Highly effective technologies are to be developed on this basis according to ethically justifiable regulation.

Ning Wang has been appointed by the World Economic Forum as a member of the «Global Future Council on the Future of Technology Policy» for 2023-2025. At the World Economic Forum's «Summer Davos», she is leading a hub session: 28 June 2023, Tianjin, China, «Explore Ethical Dilemmas of Emerging Technologies».


UZH Magazin 2/23, Portrait Ning Wang (in German) (PDF, 2 MB)


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Dr. Ning Wang

Senior researcher at the Department of Informatics and member of the Digital Society Initiative