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Department of Informatics

Sharing Economy Communities and Their Supporting Technologies

Anton Fedosov has been invited to participate in the Sharing and Caring podcast series. In the first episode, he joined a conversation with Susanne Bødker, professor of human-computer interaction at Aarhus University. 

Anton Fedosov

Anton Fedosov from the People and Computing Lab has been invited to participate in the Sharing and Caring podcast series. This podcast is a series of interviews and discussions with leading scientists in the collaborative economy. The Sharing and Caring podcast series is produced in association with the COST Action 16121, «From Sharing to Caring: Examining Socio-Technical Aspects of the Collaborative Economy» and the University of Nicosia. In the first episode, Anton joined a conversation with Prof. Susanne Bødker, a renowned Danish computer scientist, from Aarhus University. 

In this podcast episode, Anton and Susanne discussed the state of the sharing economy communities and their supporting technologies and reflected on future research in this area.

COST Action 16121, «From Sharing to Caring: Examining Socio-Technical Aspects of the Collaborative Economy» is a European Cooperation in Science & Technology action running from 2017-2021. The main objective of this action is to develop a European network of actors (including scholars, practitioners, communities, and policy makers) focusing on the development of collaborative economy models and platforms, and on social and technological implications of the collaborative economy through a practice-focused approach.

Anton is a Management Committee member representing Switzerland in the Action. He co-leads one Action's working group on collaborative economy practices and communities bringing the interaction design perspective to the discussion of examining and comparing various sharing economy models, approaches, and platforms in Europe. 

More details about the Action

Podcast episode


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Dr. Anton Fedosov

People and Computing Lab
