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Department of Informatics DDIS

Rosni Kottekulam Vasu

Rosni Kottekulam Vasu

  • PhD Student
+41 44 635 45 74
Department of Informatics, Binzmühlestrasse 14, CH-8050 Zürich
Room number
BIN 2.D.29

Short bio:

I joined the DDIS research group at the Institute of Informatics, University of Zurich as a PhD student in February 2020. 

I completed my Bachelor in Computer Science and Engineering from Government Engineering College, Palakkad (India), in 2014 and a Master's in Artificial Intelligence from the University of Hyderabad (India) in 2017. For my master thesis, I worked with Prof. Vineet Padmanabhan on a cross-domain recommender system. Before joining DDIS, I worked as a researcher in the cybersecurity and privacy group at Tata Research Development and Design Centre (India) since 2017.

Open Topics for Students (thesis or project) can be found here.

Research Interests:

My research interest broadly includes Machine Learning and Data Analysis. In particular, I worked on areas such as information retrieval (recommendation system) and machine learning in security and privacy.

My current research focuses on human-machine collaboration for scientific text understanding and reasoning. I am particularly interested in how humans and machines can jointly contribute to the tasks of scientific hypotheses detection and generation. I am also passionate about using large language models to the broader societal benefit.


 My publications on  Google Scholar and DBLP