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Department of Informatics

Presentations and Paper Reviews


Each project team has a maximum of 5 minutes to present their research project.

Please make sure to include in your presentation the problem/motivation for your project, your approach and the evaluation/results you have. Obviously, this will vary slightly depending on the project you choose.

More information on presentations can be found in the slides for the introduction session.

Paper Reviews

Written Critique of Two Project Reports

To allow you to gain experience in peer review, you have to write a critical review for two project reports of your colleagues.

Guideline for Paper Review

For writing a paper review, please log in to Easychair with the link provided by email. Go to "Reviews", "My Reviews" and then add your reviews for the two papers that are assigned to you. In addition to your detailed reviews, you will have to rate each paper from reject to accept and you can also provide additional comments that usually only go to the program committee and not back to the authors.

In the review section, please provide a detailed review of the paper, starting with a short summary of the paper, followed by a bullet point list of strengths and weaknesses, and then a detailed review in which you elaborate on the points and also provide more fine-grained feedback. 

All paper reviews should start with a short summary of the paper in your own words (not a copy of the abstract) to show that you understand the paper.

After the summary, please provide a short bullet list with '+' for the high-level positives/strengths of the paper and '-' for the high-level negatives/weaknesses of the paper.

After these two lists, elaborate more on each of the items afterward, so provide a more detailed review of the paper. Start with the positive comments on the paper (even if you dislike the paper, you might think that certain aspects or the idea of it are interesting). After that you list the issues that you have with the paper and your feedback on how to improve it. Make sure to always start out with the most important and high-level comments first before going into more detailed comments later on. From your comments/issues it should also be clear why you accepted/rejected the paper. However, even if you accept a paper or weakly accept it, you might have lots of comments/issues on the paper. 

Note that while the paper writing is one aspect that one can comment on, this is usually not the most important part (unless it makes it very difficult to understand the paper and follow it). In a review, it's important to focus on aspects such as the content, contributions, novelty and significance of the results, and the validity of the method and the analysis chosen.

Remember, a paper review is usually sent back to the author(s) [and we will do that too], so while you should state your opinion, be as constructive as possible. If you have ever received a review, just reading that someone did not like your paper without concrete ideas on what it was in particular and what you could change for the better, is not helpful.

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