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Department of Informatics Information Management Research Group

Dr. Christoph Goeth

Former Research Assistant


I’ve completed my studies in Computer Sience at the University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany. During my studies I specialised in Information Systems. After completing my diploma thesis I joined the Information Management Research Group at the University of Zurich as a research assistant and I’m currently working on the mobileGame, a multi-user mobile learning game. The goal of the game is to assist new students to familiarize themselves with the university and its surroundings.

My research focus lies on the design, implementation and evaluation of mobile applications, especially in mobile learning games. This includes the interface design, the usage of positioning systems and other context awareness systems for mobile devices but also the evaluation of usage and user adoption of such systems. I’m as much interested in the technical application and its architecture as in the social aspect of mobile systems. Currently I’m focusing on the question how to design a mobile game to improve learning effects for people who are visiting unknown and potentially complex locations such as a university campus, a museum or a whole city.


My research focus lies on the design, implementation and evaluation of mobile applications. This comprises:

  • Designing and implementing mobile learning games
  • Usage of positioning and other context awareness systems
  • Evaluation in field experiments


  • 1997-2003 Study of Computer Science at the University of Koblenz-Landau
  • since July 2003 Research Assistent / Doctoral Student at the University of Zurich
  • July - Sept. 2005 Visiting Researcher at the University of Tasmania, Australia


  • Dirk Frohberg, Christoph Göth and Gerhard Schwabe (2009) "Mobile Learning Projects - a Critical Analysis of the State of the Art", Journal of Computer Assisted Learning (accepted)
  • Christoph Göth, Raphael Joss and Gerhard Schwabe (2009) "Ein mobiles Spiel wird zum Eventmarketinginstrument", Proceedings of the 9. Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik, Wien, Austria
  • Christoph Göth and Gerhard Schwabe (2008) "Designing Tasks for Engaging Mobile Learning", Proceedings of mLearn 2008 Conference, Ironbridge, UK
  • Christoph Göth, Dirk Frohberg and Gerhard Schwabe (2007) "Vom passivem zum aktivem mobilen Lernen", Zeitschrift für E-Learning 4/2007
  • Dirk Frohberg and Christoph Göth (2007) "mExplorer" Arbeitsbericht der Arbeitsgruppe Informationsmanagement, Insitut für Informatik, Universität Zürich
  • Christoph Göth, Dirk Frohberg and Gerhard Schwabe (2006) "The Focus Problem in Mobile Learning." Full paper at the IEEE 4th International Workshop on Wireless, Mobile and Ubiquitous Technologies in Education, Athens, Greece.
  • Christopher Lueg, Nicola Bidwell and Christoph Göth (2006) "Information Seeking like an Ant: Mobile Guide Assistance for Inducing Where to go Next" Poster accepted at 69th Annual Conference of the American Society for Information Science and Technology. Austin TX, USA, 3-8 November, 2006.
  • Christopher Lueg, Christoph Göth and Nicola Bidwell (2006) "Learning From Insects? Toward Supporting Reflective Exploration of Unfamiliar Areas of Interest." Full paper accepted for the "HCI in the Real World" session at the 7th International New Zealand Conference on Computer-Human Interaction (SIGCHI-NZ 2006) 6-7 July 2006, Christchurch, New Zealand.
  • Göth, G., Lueg, C. (2006): "First Experiences With a Mobile Information System Supporting Reflective Exploration of Unknown Terrain", 1. Konferenz Mobilität und Mobile Informationssysteme, Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik 2006, Passau, Germany
  • Schwabe, G., Göth, C. (2005): "Navigating and interacting indoors with a mobile learning game", International Workshop on Wireless and Mobile Technologies in Education.
  • Schwabe, G., Göth, C., Frohberg, D. (2005): "Does Team Size Matter in Mobile Learning?", International Conference on Mobile Business2005.
  • Schwabe, G., Göth, C. (2005): "Mobile Learning with a Mobile Game: Design and Motivational Effects", Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, Vol. 21, 2005, 204-216.
  • Göth, C.; Häss,U.-P.; Schwabe, G. (2004): "Requirements for mobile learning games shown on a mobile game prototype", Proceedings MLearn2004 conference, Rome, Italy (July 5-6 2004), Best Paper Award.
  • Göth C. (2003): "Prototypische Implementierung einer mobilen Spielumgebung für den PDA.", Diploma Thesis at the University of Koblenz-Landau, Koblenz, Germany.


  • Göth, C. (2009): "Was ist «Mobiles Lernen»?", E-Learning-Forum, Universität Zürich, Switzerland, Februar 2009
  • Göth, C (2007): "mExplorer - A Mobile Learning Game", DBTA Workshop on Mobile Information: Context-Awareness, ETH Zurich, Switzerland, Oktober 2007
  • Göth, C. (2006): "mGame & mExplore - Ein System für ortsbasierte mobile Lernspiele" 6. Konferenz Mobile Commerce Technologien und Anwendungen, Augsburg, Germany, Februar 2006
  • Göth, C. (2005): "A mobile learning game and the influence of team size" Deakin University, Australia, September 2005
  • Göth, C. (2005): "A mobile learning game and the influence of team size" University of Tasmania, Australia, August 2005
  • Göth, C. (2004): "Mobiles Lernen am Beispiel des Orientierungsspiels MobileGame" 2. Koblenzer E-Learning-Tag, Universität Koblenz-Landau, Deutschland, April 2004


  • MobileGame
  • Evaluation Groupware an der Universität Zürich mit den Informatikdiensten. (2008)
  • IT allocation and IT services costing for private banking with the bank Julius Bär. (2004)

Thesis Supervision

  • Erweiterung einer mobilen Spielumgebung (2004)
  • Best Practice der Kostenrechnung in der IT bei Banken in der Theorie und Praxis (2004)
  • IT-Architekturen bei Schweizer Banken (2004)
  • Verbesserung der Positionsbestimmung von PDAs für die kontextabhängige Interaktion mit einem ?xen Anzeigesystem (2005)
  • Architekturentwicklung für mobile Spiele (2005)
  • Entwicklung und Implementierung eines Voice-over-IP Kommunikationssystems für mobile Kleingeräte (2005)
  • Interpretation und Präsentation ungenauer Ortsinformationen (2005)
  • Indoornavigation unterstützt durch Magnetfeldsensorik (2006)
  • Untersuchung und Entwicklung von effizienten History-Funktionalitäten bezüglich Navigation anhand des „mobileGame“ (2006)
  • Annotationen im Mobile Learning Game (2007)
  • Fokus-Problem im mExplorer (2007)
  • Indoor Navigation (2007)
  • Awareness von Bewegungsmustern (2007)
  • Reengineering eines Userinterfaces für Moblie Systeme (2007)
  • Aufgabenarten, Bewertungsmethoden Aufgabenarten, Bewertungsmethoden und Spielregeln in mobilen Spielen (2007)
  • Promoting mit dem mExplorer (2008)
  • CRM in der ALUMNI Dachorganisation der Universität Zürich (2008)