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Department of Informatics Information Management Research Group


On this page you'll find persons, responsible for specific activities regarding infrastructure management and general coordination in the group.

What Who
ACE Lab: Maintenance (incl. Videoconferencing)

Andreas Bucher

OLAT Rafael Wu

The locker in BIN 2.C.10 (recorders, cameras, cabels, etc.)

Sven Eckhardt

Website Management Aleksandra Garazha
Microsoft Teams Management Andreas Bucher
Social Media Aleksandra Garazha
Blog, Wiki Sven Eckhardt
Technical Delegate & Server Infrastructure Rafael Wu
Seafile Management Dzmitry Katsiuba
Mailing Lists Dzmitry Katsiuba
Calendaring Aleksandra Garazha
Retreat Organisation Prof. Dr. Gerhard Schwabe
Brownbag Organisation Prof. Dr. Gerhard Schwabe
Library Sven Eckhardt
ZORA Management Kilian Sprenkamp
License Management Sven Eckhardt
xLeap Andreas Bucher
Newcomer on-boarding Always the last newcomer

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