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Department of Informatics Information Management Research Group

Information Management

560 Information Management

Type: Lecture and Exercise

Module short name: MINF-4200

ECTS points: 6.0

Official information regarding this course is located in the UZH's course catalogue.

The associated OLAT Course is entitled "18HS MINF4200 Information Management (L+E)"

Responsible Assistants

When and where

  • Thu, 10.15 - 13.45 Uhr, room: 

Start: 17.9.2020

Description of contents

This lecture covers the management challenges and opportunities posed by information systems and offers methods to solve those problems. After completion of this course, the student is able to describe the problems and the tasks related to IT management, to explain these problems and tasks and to solve example tasks.

Topics covered:

  1. IT and Strategy
  2. Business Models
  3. 3. IT Outsourcing
  4. IT Governance + IT Organization
  5. Portfolios
  6. Architectures
  7. IT Strategy
  8. IT Projects
  9. IT Benefits Management
  10. IT Service Management
  11. ITIL
  12. Agile IT
  13. Agile Organizations
  14. Managing IT-Innovations

Exercises will include case studies, small projects and paper reading. There will be guest lectures.

Educational objectives

This lecture covers the management challenges and opportunities posed by information systems and offers methods to solve those problems. After completion of this course, the student is able to describe the problems and the tasks related to IT management, to explain these problems and tasks and to solve example tasks. Furthermore, students will be able to critically reflect on information management literature.


  1. The lecture is held in English (homework may be handed in either in German or English, presentations and class interactions are in English, the exam may be written in German or English).

Note that all written announcements will only be made using OLAT.

Prior knowledge

Basic knowledge in Business Administration and Information Systems. For business students: "Informatik für Ökonomen I-III" / Wirtschaftsinformatik I-II

Target group

Master students in Computer Science (Information systems and Software Systems as well as Minors), Master students in Business Administration or Finance

Certificate of achievement

The final grade will be composed by 50% of a written exam which date is announced in the course catalogue. The final grade’s other 50% consist of graded homework. Some homework will be group work. Both components, the exam and the homework, need to be passed (= total grade 4.0 or better) in order to pass the whole course.

Exam review

We offer a possibility to come and review your corrected exam on the following date: Wednesday, 20.02.2019 at 10:00 am in 1.D.06 (aka ACE-Lab) at Institut für Informatik, Binzmühlestrasse 14, 8050 Zürich-Oerlikon. Please, register for the review by sending an email to Ingrid Bauer ( and Fabian Ligibel ( in CC before Tuesday, 19.02.2019 10:00 am. The email should contain your name, surname and your student number. Without this registration the review is not possible: we'll bring along only the exams of registered students.


You will get your exam so that you can look at it and make notes on a separate sheet of paper (please, bring a pen and paper to write!). You’re not allowed to make any changes in the exam or make photos/scans of it. The assistants will not be able to answer any questions during the review. If you have any questions, uncertainties or appeals, please, formulate your request in written form and send it per E-mail to Prof. Dr. Gerhard Schwabe (, Ingrid Bauer ( and Fabian Ligibel ( before Monday, 25.02.2019 10:00 am. The requests will be reviewed directly and you’ll get a response as soon as possible.

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