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An Independent Study is a graded module that allows students to work intensively and independently on a topic, learning how to work independently. Before registering for this module, students need the supervision approval of a professor at IfI; there is no entitlement to supervision of an Independent Study. More information:
We are looking for motivated students to conduct a graded Independent Study in the Interactive Visual Data Analysis Group, as part of the UZH studies.
The project should cover the areas of visual analytics, interactive data science, and/or interactive machine learning. Our overall goal is to develop approaches for characterization, design, and evaluation of interactive visual interfaces to combine the strengths of both humans and algorithms in interactive machine learning and data science applications.
Our primary research focus is at the intersection between Information Visualization, Visual Analytics, Human-Computer Interaction, and Machine Learning. We follow a human-centered approach to data science, in order to foster the involvement of humans in the data analysis process with interactive visual interfaces. You will help to combine different strengths of humans and machines in an iterative and incremental data analysis process in order to tackle remaining data science challenges along the following lines:
For more information about Prof. Bernard's research context, see
Applications should include:
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Bernard
Applications should be sent to For questions, feel free to contact Prof. Bernard as well.