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We are looking for motivated students (m/f/d) to collaborate with us in the areas of visual analytics, interactive data science, interactive machine learning, and human-centered artificial intelligence. Many of our goals align with the characterization, design, and evaluation of interactive visual interfaces to enable humans interacting with data. With our systems, we study innovative forms of human-machine collaboration for data analysis and data-driven decision-making. Our systems seek to combine the strengths of both humans and algorithms in interactive machine learning and data science applications.
As part of the Interactive Visual Data Analysis (IVDA) Group, you will work on a project/thesis/study in different graded formats, help develop/implement new algorithms and techniques in our group framework if you opt for an assistant (HiWi) position.
We collaborate with students in all typical forms of study and work
Our primary research focus is at the intersection between Information Visualization, Visual Analytics, Human-Computer Interaction, and Machine Learning. Your support is necessary to help the group follow a human-centered approach to data science, in order to foster the involvement of humans in the data analysis process with interactive visual interfaces. Your contributions in the IVDA group may align with one of the following problem areas of data science and machine learning / artificial intelligence:
For more information about the history of IVDA research context, see
Applications should include:
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Bernard
Applications should be sent to For questions, feel free to contact Prof. Bernard as well.