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Department of Informatics Interactive Visual Data Analysis Group


2024-11-22 | DSI Health Innovathon

Clara-Maria Barth, Alexander Lill, and Federica Zavattaro organized the DSI Health Innovathon, a two-day interdisciplinary event funded by a grant from the DSI Health Community. The Innovathon brought together students, researchers, industry professionals, and innovators from a wide range of disciplines to collaboratively generate and test innovative solutions for the digitalization of healthcare. Participants worked on real-world health challenges, guided by experts in the field. The organizers invited three keynote speakers Prof. Dr. Jürgen Bernard, Prof. Dr. Viktor von Wyl, and Andreia Fernandes that explored topics such as data visualization, digital health, and entrepreneurship.

DSI Health Innovathon  | DSI Community Health

2024-11-18 | P5 Open Science Celebration Event at UZH


Prof. Elisabeth Stark and Prof. Christian Schwarzenegger invited to celebrate finished project contributions to the P5 "Open Science" program, for the implementation of the national Open Access action plan within swissuniversities' member institutions.
Prof. Jürgen Bernard, Madhav Sachdeva, and Michael Blum were present, with two successfully conducted projects ORD-Xplore and Tag-Xplore. The IVDA group is proud of its contributions to the ORD development towards FAIR principles. Special thanks goes to project collaborators and gate keepers Ruedi Mumenthaler, Yann Stricker, and Andrea Malits.

P5 Open Science Projects | swissuniversities | ORD-Xplore | Tag-Xplore

2024-10-13 | Conference: IVDA at IEEE VIS 2024


Jürgen Bernard and Gabriela Morgenshtern represented the IfI/UZH at the IEEE VIS conference 2024, the premier forum for advances in theory, methods, and applications of visualization and visual analytics. Gabriela presented a full paper DaedalusData: Exploration, Knowledge Externalization and Labeling of Particles in Medical Manufacturing, a design study and collaborative work we conducted together with Roche (Alexander Wyss and Amanda Hirsch-Hüsler). Jürgen Bernard presented another full paper: IVESA – Visual Analysis of Time-Stamped Event Sequences, a collaborative work with four IVDA students (Clara-Maria Barth, Eduard Cuba, Andrea Meier, and Yasara Peiris) and Prof. Ben Shneiderman. Jürgen Bernard also organized the BELIV 2024 Workshop on "Evaluation and Beyond - Methodological Approaches for Visualization".

Links: IEEE VIS 2024 | Interactive Data Labeling at IVDA | Event Sequences at IVDA

2024-10-03 | Congratulations to Paul Ferdinand Safari on Winning the Spring Semester 2024 Thesis Award!

The RecRef mobile application interface

For his Bachelor Thesis in the IVDA lab, Paul Ferdinand Safari has been awarded the Spring Semester 2024 Prize for his outstanding work on RecRef, a reflection-promoting visual analytics tool for athletic training and recovery. By working closely with Rowing Club Erlenbach, Paul’s research explores how both physiological data and athletes' personal reflections can be used to boost health and performance. His supervisors Jürgen Bernard and Gabriela Morgenshtern, and the entire IVDA lab are incredibly proud of his exceptional work. This research will continue in 2025 within the DSI Health community, focusing on reflection-promoting interfaces for clinical research.

Links: Semester Awards | Digital Society Initiative - Health 

2024-10-01 | New PostDoc: Jana Sedlakova

We are excited to welcome Jana Sedlakova as our Postdoctoral Researcher! Jana finished her PhD with an interdisciplinary dissertation in the field of medical ethics, focusing on challenges of human-AI interaction in mental healthcare. We are looking forward to work with Jana, mainly in health and sustainability-related topics on Human-Centered AI. Welcome, Jana!

Links: Jana Sedlakova | Jana at DSI

2024-09-27 | SNF Project Grant on Personalized Visual Analytics

SNF Ranking

Jürgen Bernard and Mennatallah El-Assady (ETH) have received an SNF Project Grant on Personalized Visual Analytics: Human Preference Elicitation for Ranking-Based Multi-Criteria Decision Support. Together, we will explore multi-criteria decision support through interactive item ranking, as an understudied research direction for people lost in choosing between thousands of relevant items (cars, houses, stocks, etc.). In interactive solutions, people can express multiple preferences through item and attribute interactions as well as semantic visual and verbal interactions, used by algorithms to compute human-centered and personal rankings. Our Visual Analytics approach supports this complex human decision-making task by bringing together human intellectuality with the computational power of algorithms and AI in effective human-in-the-loop approaches.

Links: Project Page | PhD Position | PostDoc Position

2024-06-28 | DSI Infrastructure & Lab Grant


Jürgen Bernard and Viktor von Wyl (Institute for Implementation Science in Health Care) have received a DSI Infrastructure Grant for their project STAG - Statistical Time Series Analysis Guide. Sensing, such as in wearable devices, offer novel opportunities, but also challenges like data size, complexity and multi-modality, which can lead to analysis workflows with poor replicability and a lack of robust protocols. STAG helps UZH researchers by easing the preprocessing, analysis, and management of time series data in their scientific workflows, increasing their rigor and efficiency.

Links: DSI |DSI Infrastructure: STAG Project |DSI Health Community Project

2024-06-11 | SDG Research Scout Talk at SwissText, Chur


Jürgen Bernard gave a talk at theSwissText  Conference in Chur, about innovative forms of Human-AI collaboration for labeling publications by their sustainability contributions. The talk was aligned with the SDG Shared Task Challenge on NLP for Sustainable Development Goals Monitoring that we organized, mainly bySimon Clematide,Martin Volk,  andTobias Fankhauser. Together withLorenz Hilty, we collaborate to design and develop the SDG Research Scout, a DSI-funded infrastructure that identifies contributions in UZH publications relevant to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Links: DSI Infrastructure: SDG Research Scout  | SDG Shared Task (GitHub) | UN SDG Goals

2024-06-05 | Call for Papers: BELIV Workshop at IEEE VIS 2024


With the theme "Rethinking Design, Evaluation, and Ethics in Visualization in the Era of Generative AI", the BELIV (Evaluation and Beyond - Methodological Approaches for Visualization) workshop will have its tenth iteration. BELIV seeks to foster critical reflection and discussion on how we establish the validity and scope of knowledge acquired in visualization, and emphasizes methods used to acquire such knowledge. BELIV is co-organized by Jürgen Bernard, submission deadline is July 1, 2024.

Links: BELIV Website | CFP | BELIV on Twitter

2024-05-27 | Conference: IVDA at EuroVA/EuroVis 2024


In the various roles of researchers, participants, presenters, session chairs, steering committee members, workshop chairs, and student volunteers, the IVDA group looks back on a great EuroVA/EuroVis Conference! The picture shows Michael Blum, presenting his first publication  as an upper graduate: Tag-Xplore: Interactive Exploration of Annotation Practices in Digital Editions, together with Madhav Sachdeva, Yann Stricker, Rudolf Mumenthaler, & Jürgen Bernard.

Links: EuroVA 2024 | EuroVis 2024 | Tag-Xplore

2024-05-24 | CAS Datenmanagement und Informationstechnologien


Prof. Jürgen Bernard gives a lecture unit in the Certificate of Advanced Studies UZH (CAS) Datenmanagement und Informationstechnologien (DMIT). His learning goals are on creating meaningful data visualizations, the critical judgment of third-party visualizations (e.g., ChatGPT output), and on the important role of interactive data visualitzation in the realm of data science and interactive machine learning.

Links: IVDA Teaching  | CAS DMIT

2024-05-23 | IEEE VIS Organization: BELIV 2024 Workshop


Prof. Jürgen Bernard is co-organizing the 10th BELIV Workshop, an international forum to broadly discuss research methods in visualization. Our discussions span from novel design and evaluation methods for visualization tools and techniques, to methods that more generally establish the validity and scope of acquired visualization knowledge. BELIV supports contributions from the rich spectrum of visualization researchers, embracing the varied ways that they self-identify with respect to the main conference areas at VIS.

Links: BELIV Workshop | Call for Papers | IEEE VIS Conference, Oct 13-18

2024-05-15 | Clara-Maria Barth presents Paper at CHI 2024


Together with Prof. Elaine Huang and Prof. Jürgen Bernard, Clara-Maria Barth presented a full paper at the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, in Honolulu, Hawaii. The work is in on digital health and personalization, exploring the role of blood glucose prediction technologies for Type 1 Diabetes self-management, quoting one of the study participants: "It's like a glimpse into the future"

Links: ACM CHI 2024 | Paper  | IVDA: VA in Healthcare | ZPAC: Personalized Health

2024-04-18 | Visitor: Prof. Laura Garrison, University of Bergen


It was a pleasure to have Prof. Laura Garrion as our guest this week. Her research investigates the blending of art, science, and technology to understand how different visual abstraction, narrative, and analytics approaches can impact audience comprehension, engagement, emotions, and behavior in public health and medicine. Laura's talk in the IfI Colloquium Series was about Exploring Engagement and Empowerment through Visualization for Medicine and Public Health.

Links: Laura Garrison, Institute for Informatics at the University of Bergen

2024-04-17 | DSI Minor - Lecture Series with Jürgen Bernard


Prof. Jürgen Bernard gave a lecture unit in the DSI Minor lecture Ethical and reflective prompt engineering for ChatGPT and Co. His learning goals were on visualization literacy, creating meaningful data visualizations, the critical judgment of third-party visualizations (e.g., ChatGPT output), and the design of data visualization prompts. Thanks go to Eduard Čuba, Raphael Beckmann, and Nicolas Huber.

Links: IVDA Teaching Course Catalogue School for Transdisciplinary Studies 

2024-03-07 | Visitor: Prof. Daniel Weiskopf, University of Stuttgart

daniel weiskopf

It was a pleasure to have Prof. Daniel Weiskopf as our guest! His research interests include visualization, visual analytics, eye tracking, HCI, VR/AR, computer graphics, and special and general relativity. Daniel gave two fantastic talks, in the IfI Colloquium Series about Multidimensional Visualization and at ETH on Uncertainty Visualization, along the lines of the tandem speaker series conducted by Prof. Bernard (IfI, UZH) and Prof. El-Assady (ETH).

Links: Prof. Daniel Weiskopf | Visualization Research Center (VISUS) | University of Stuttgart

2024-01-24 | Open Up Digital Editions Event in Zurich

IVDA participated in the first Open Up DSE conference in Zürich. We presented our ORD-Xplore prototype to an interdisciplinary audience within the Digital Editions community. 

Links: ORD-Xplore Tag-Xplore

2024-01-15 | New Member: Michael Blum

Michael Blum joins the IVDA group as a Research Assistant in 2024. He continues his work in the realms of Digital Libraries, with a specific focus on enhancing the workflow of data curators through interactive and visual analysis tools.

Links: Michael Blum

2024-01-01 | New Project: Tag-Xplore (swissuniversities)

With the new Tag-Xplore project, the IVDA group continues their contribution towards  sustainable open research data practices. The design and development of an interactive data exploration system will aid curators in creating interoperable digital editions and connect the Digital Library community. Tag-Xplore is funded by swissuniversities.

Links: Tag-Xplore

2023-09-04 | IVDA presents ORD-Xplore at Scientifica 2023

Madhav Sachdeva

IVDA had a booth at Scientifica 2023! Madhav Sachdeva and Jürgen Bernard presented ORD-Xplore, an interactive and visual prototype that reveals connections between multiple Digital Editions, which are online available as Open Research Data. With ORD-Xplore, digital librarians and the general public have a novel approach to identify and leverage interesting connections between Digital Editions, which so far rather exist as isolated islands.

Links: ScientificaORD-Xplore

2023-08-01 | Alumni Informatik: "readme" Magazine on Data Visualization


The IVDA group was a main contributor to the 49th issue of the alumni "readme" magazine. The special issue on Data Visualization includes the main article on interactive data visualization and analysis by Prof. Jürgen Bernard, as well as project-related articles on the role of interactive model visualization in healthcare by Gabriela Morgenshtern and the interactive-visual creation of item rankings by Jenny Schmid.

Links: UZH alumni informatik "readme""readme" 49 on Data Visualization

2023-08-01 | New Ph.D. Student: Clara-Maria Barth


Clara-Maria Barth has successfully applied for the DSI Excellence Program and got the Ph.D. stipendium, congratulations and warm welcome to the IVDA Group! Clara will be jointly supervised by Prof. Elaine Huang and Prof. Jürgen Bernard on the topic of personalized health, with a focus on type 1 diabetes. Clara has already worked with us as a student, with quite some research success including several publications.

Links: Clara-Maria Barth Visual Analytics in Healthcare

2023-06-12 | Conference: IVDA at EuroVA/EuroVis 2023


The IVDA looks back on a very successful EuroVis Conference!

Jürgen Bernard contributed as a member of the EuroVA Steering Committee, chaired a EuroVA session, received a certificate of appreciation at EuroVA for his services as co-chair, and organized a panel on the The Future of Interactive Data Analysis and Visualization at EuroVis. Also, Madhav Sachdeva presented his work on the ORD-Xplore project in a Lightning Talk. Scientific contributions:

Links: EuroVA 2023 EuroVis2023

2023-06-01 | Visitor: Prof. Miriah Meyer, Linköping University


We are happy to welcome Prof. Miriah Meyer as our guest in the IVDA group this week! Her research focuses on the design of visualization systems for helping people make sense of complex data, and on the development of methods for helping visualization designers make sense of the world.

Miriah talk in the IfI Colloquium Series on June 01, 5:15pm, about new perspectives on how we, as data-centered visualization researchers, make sense of the world and design with it.

Links: Prof. Miriah MeyerDep. of Science and Technology, Linköping University

2023-05-04 | Visitor: Lena Cibulski, Fraunhofer IGD


We are happy to have Lena Cibulski as our guest in the IVDA group! Lena conducts industrial and research projects that aim at assisting and informing decisions by using interactive visualization. She is particularly interested in multidisciplinary collaborations to encourage discussions on human factors, methodological aspects, and applications.

Lena will give a talk in the IfI Colloquium Series on Thursday, May 04, 5:15pm, about different perspectives on using data visualization to leverage user preferences in making choices.

Links: Lena Cibulski, Lena at Fraunhofer IGD

2023-02-20 | Two new Ph.D. Students: Gabriela Morgenshtern and Madhav Sachdeva

landing page of the interactive article

We are very excited to announce that Gabriela Morgenshtern and Madhav Sachdeva will continue their research in the IVDA group as Ph.D. students!

Gabi's research interest is on validating machine learning models in healthcare through effective interactive interfaces fostering the human-machine dialog.

Madhav's focus is on the interactive visual search and exploration in digital object spaces, such as in digital libraries, digital editions, sustainability data, or finance data.

2023-02-17 | DSI Health Workshop Series, moderated by Gabriela Morgenshtern


We are organizing a workshop series in the DSI Health Community. Topic of the project is "Remote monitoring of patient and athlete activity".

Gabriela Morgenshtern moderated the first workshop at the DSI Headquarter.

Thanks to the audience for a fantastic participation!

Links: DSI Health Community | Gabriela Morgenshtern | Prof. Jürgen Bernard

2023-02-15 | Talk: Jürgen Bernard in the UZH Alumni Informatik Series


Prof. Jürgen Bernard was invited to talk at the UZH Alumni Informatik Series.

Title of his talk was "Solving Data Science Challenges with Interactive Visual Data Analytics". Jürgen showed examples of interactive visual data analysis solutions, with an emphasis on the interactive ranking of data items based on user preferences and on labeling the well-being state of prostate cancer patients.

Links: UZH alumni informatikEvent Website | Prof. Jürgen Bernard

2023-02-03 | Visitor: Dr. Johanna Schmidt, VRVis, Vienna, Austria


Johanna Schmidt will be our guest in the IVDA group this week! Johanna leads the Visual Analytics team of senior and junior researchers, research engineers, and students and interns at the VRVis in Vienna. She is interested in web-based, mobile, and progressive data visualization and visual analytics solutions.

Johanna's talk in the IfI Colloquium Series on February 03, 5:15pm will be about reflections from working on visualisation with industry partners – and ahead.

Links: Dr. Johanna Schmid, VRVis Zentrum für Virtual Reality und Visualisierung Forschungs-GmbH

2022-12-13 | Workshop on Explainable AI, moderated by Ibrahim Al Hazwani


We have conducted a research workshop on "Explainable AI for Rankings and Recommender Systems".

Ibrahim Al Hazwani moderated this workshop, at the DSI Headquarter.

Overall, 20 participants contributed actively, in four group activity rounds. Thanks to all participants, it was a great experience!

Links:  Ibrahim Al Hazwani | Prof. Jürgen Bernard | DSI

2022-11-22 | Master Thesis Defense: Andrea Meier


Congratulations to Andrea Meier for a successful defense of her Master Thesis!

Title of Andrea's thesis is "IVIE-Docs: A Visual-Interactive Tool for Information Extraction from Documents through Clustering and Data Labeling". Andrea's work introduces one of the first unified processes that includes interactive document clustering and document labeling. This thesis was jointly supervised by Prof. Jürgen Bernard (primary), as well as Dr. Moritz Platscher (Acodis AG, Winterthur).

Links: Andrea Meier | Moritz Platscher | Acodis AG

2022-11-21 | Invited Seminar Talk: Jürgen Bernard in the Robotics and Perception Group (UZH)


Prof. Jürgen Bernard was invited to talk at the Research Seminar of the Robotics and Perception Group led by Prof. Davide Scaramuzza.

Title of his talk was "Data Analysis - Challenges and Opportunities for Interactive Visual Solutions". Jürgen showed examples of interactive visual data analysis solutions with an emphasis on the interactive exploration of trajectory patterns and on interactively mastering multi-criteria decision-making problems. Thanks to the members of the Robotics and Perception Group for the great participation in discussions!

Links: Prof. Davide ScaramuzzaRobotics and Perception GroupProf. Jürgen Bernard

2022-11-15 | Visitor: Prof. Benjamin Bach, University of Edinburgh

benjamin bach

Prof. Benjamin Bach visits our lab! His research investigates more effective and efficient data visualizations, interfaces, and tools for data analysis, communication, and education.

Benjamin will conduct and co-moderate the IVDA lecture, together with Prof. Jürgen Bernard in a quite exceptional format, Tuesday Nov 15, 10:15 am in BIN 2.A.01! In his talk at 3pm, he then reflects on challenges designers and non-designers face when using and creating visualizations.

Links: Prof. Benjamin Bach, VisHub Lab at University of Edinburgh, IVDA Lecture

2022-11-11 | Invited Speaker Talk: Jürgen Bernard in the Financial Economics Seminar at UZH

thorsten hens

Prof. Jürgen Bernard was invited to talk at the Financial Economics Research Seminar Series, organized by Prof. Thorsten Hens and colleagues.

Title of his talk was "Human-Centered Data Analysis in Finance". Jürgen showed examples of interactive visual data analysis solutions with an emphasis on human-centered data analysis. The two example cases in the financial data analysis domain focused on the exploration of risk-return patterns using white-box visual clustering techniques, and on the personalized creation of stock rankings for portfolio management.

Links: Prof. Thorsten Hens, Department of Banking and Finance (UZH),Prof. Jürgen Bernard

2022-11-10 | Visitor: Prof. Michael Sedlmair of University of Stuttgart


Great news: Prof. Michael Sedlmair visits our lab! He will also give a talk in the IfI Colloquium Series on Interacting with AI!

Michael has a strong background in Interactive Data Visualization and Human-Computer Interaction, with methodological contributions that have been particularly impactful to the Visualization Community! A predominant example is the proposal of the Design Study Methodology, which got a Test of Time Award just three weeks ago, at the IEEE VIS Conference in Oklahoma, USA.

Links: IfI Colloquium Series, Michael Sedlmair at the University of Stuttgart

2022-11-08 | Master Thesis Defense: Raphael Beckmann


Raphael Beckmann has successfully defended his Master Thesis. Congratulations, dear Raphael!

He was studying the Visual Exploration and Explanation of Human- and Model-Based Instance Selection Behaviors. This thesis was jointly supervised by Prof. Jürgen Bernard (primary), as well as Dr. Mennatallah El-Assady (ETH) and Prof. Dr. Julia Vogt (ETH).

Raphael was also the first author of a publication related to the thesis, presented at the EuroVA Workshop on Visual Analytics at EuroVis in Rome, June 2022.

Links: Raphael Beckmann | Publication in the Eurographics Digital Library

2022-10-17 | Two Publications at IEEE VIS 2022


We have a workshop long paper and an interactive explainer publication at IEEE VIS, the premier forum for advances in visualization and visual analytics.

Clara-Maria Barth will present our paper: A Data-Centric Methodology and Task Typology
for Time-Stamped Event Sequences
, published, together with Yasara Peiris, Prof. Elaine Huang, and Jürgen Bernard.

Ibrahim al Hazwani presents an interactive explainable AI article: What should we watch tonight? Why sometimes your favourite streaming service just cannot manage to recommend anything interesting, together with Gabriela MorgenshternYves Rutishauser, Menna El-Assady (ETH), and Jürgen Bernard. Links: Paper Page.

2022-09-12 | Ph.D. Student: Ibrahim Al Hazwani

landing page of the interactive article

We are very excited to announce our first IVDA Ph.D. student!

Ibrahim Al Hazwani, who was already a Research Assistant in our lab, will now continue his research around explainable recommendation/ranking via visual analytics as a Ph.D. student.

We look forward to great research outcome!

His research will be supported by the DSI Ph.D. Excellent Program.

2022-09-01 | Publication: Interactive Artictle on XAI at VIS 2022

landing page of the interactive article

Ibrahim Al Hazwani will present at the VIS co-located workshop about Visualization for AI Explainability (VISxAI) the interactive article "What should we watch tonight? Why sometimes your favourite streaming service just cannot manage to recommend anything interesting", work done with Gabriela Morgenshtern, Yves Rutishauser, Menna El-Assady (ETH Zürich), and Jürgen Bernard.

Link: interactive article

2022-08-19 | Master Thesis Defense: Yasara Peiris


Yasara Peiris has successfully defended her Master Thesis today! Her topic was on the Study of Factors Affecting the Problem and Task Characterization for Time-Stamped Event Sequences.

Yasara was also the first author of a workshop publication with parts of her contribution of her Thesis. The 8-pager will be presented at the BELIV workshop, co-located with the IEEE VIS conference in Oklahoma City, in October 2022. Congratulations, dear Yasara!

Links: Yasara Peiris, BELIV workshop, Paper pre-print

2022-08-11 | Visitor: Prof. Remco Chang of Tufts University


We are very excited to welcome Prof. Remco Chang as a guest in our lab this week!

Remco is an outstanding Visual Analytics researcher, with many impactful technical and methodological publications! Examples include iPCADis-function, and his taxonomic work in user interaction. Remco is an Associate Professor in the Computer Science Department at Tufts University.

Links: Remco's Tufts University profile

2022-08-08 | Visitor: Cedric Krause from Fabian Beck's Group, Uni Bamberg


Cedric Krause will visit the IVDA lab for three weeks in August!

Cedric has various research interests at the intersection of Information Visualization, Visual Analytics, and Interactive Machine Learning. He is a PhD student in Prof. Fabian Beck's Information Visualization group. In Zürich, we will jointly work on interactive visual labelling of multivariate event sequences.

Links: Cedric's University of Bamberg profile, Fabian Beck's University of Bamberg profile 


2022-07-01 | New Group Member: Gabriela Morgenshtern


Warm welcome to Gabriela Morgenshtern, our most recent IVDA group member!

Gabi is interested in how machine learning models fail to perform predictions that are personally relevant to users - her favorite application domains are medicine and healthcare. She is especially interested in empowering healthcare practitioners to give feedback to models they use in patient care, to recalibrate models towards their insights.

Link: Gabi's DSI Healthcommunity profile

2022-06-13 | EuroVA Keynote by Prof. Helwig Hauser


Jürgen Bernard is organizing the EuroVis Workshop on Visual Analytics 2022 (EuroVA), together with Marco Angelini.

Prof. Helwig Hauser from the University of Bergen will give the keynote speech at EuroVA! Helwig is an expert in interactive visual data analysis, illustrative visualization, and the combination of scientific and information visualization.

The title of Helwig's talk is "Machine Learning for Better Interaction in Visual Analytics"

Link: EuroVA keynote, Helwig's VIS Group at the University of Bergen

2022-06-13 | Three Publications at EuroVis / EuroVA 2022


We have two papers and one poster paper at EuroVis, the visualization conference organized by EuroGraphics and the co-located EuroVAvisual analytics workshop (Program).

Raphael Beckmann will present his paper Interactive Visual Explanation of Incremental Data Labeling, published, together with Cristi Blaga, Mennatallah El-Assady (ETH Zurich), Matthias Zeppelzauer (St. Pölten), and Jürgen Bernard. Links: Paper Page.

Jenny Schmid successfully submitted the paper RankASco: A Visual Analytics Approach to Leverage Attribute-Based User Preferences for Item Rankings, together with Lena Cibulski (Fraunhofer IGD), Ibrahim al Hazwani, and Jürgen Bernard. Links: Paper Page.

Ibrahim al Hazwaniwill present the poster A Design Space for Explainable Ranking and Ranking Models, with Jenny Schmid, Madhav Sachdeva, and Jürgen Bernard.

2022-06-02 | Jörn Kohlhammer in Colloquium Series


Talk in the colloquium Series 2022 at UZH

I am pleased to announce Jörn Kohlhammer as speaker for the IfI Colloquium Spring 2022 series! Jörn is a Professor at TU Darmstadt and leader of the Information Visualization & Visual Analytics (IVA) group at Fraunhofer IGD in Darmstadt. He is one of the most well-known and respected researchers in the field of Visual Analytics and as such one of the leaders of the VisMaster project, which is one of the cornerstones of the European Visual Analytics community.

Jörn's talk will be about Decision Support with User-Centered Visual Analytics. Enjoy!

2022-05-11 | Sustainabilty Contribution: Make Science, Not Miles

JB sustainability

Jürgen Bernard has agreed to cap his air travels, as a contribution to reducing flight emissions of the UZH community. Together with Prof. Gabriele Siegert (vice president) and Prof. Noah Bubenhofer, he recently promoted forms of scientific collaboration that involve less air travel in a video recording. In Jürgen's case, this video recording took place at the Digital Society Initiative (DSI). Here, he has the opportunity to take part in exciting and fruitful collaborations across faculties. Most of these exchanges directly take place in Zurich - yet another form of scientific collaboration without the need for air travel.

Links to the Video Recording, the DSI and UZH Sustainability Operations


2022-04-25 | EuroGraphics Young Researcher Award for Jürgen Bernard

Young Researcher Award

Prof. Jürgen Bernard has received the EuroGraphics 2022 Young Researcher Award!

In recognition of his outstanding contributions to Computer Graphics in the area of Information Visualization and Visual Analytics. In his area of research, Jürgen Bernard has produced a number of outstanding contributions, which is evidenced by several best paper awards from conferences such as IEEE VIS and EuroVA, the Hugo-Geiger Preis in 2016, and the Dirk Bartz Prize in 2017.

EuroGraphics is pleased to recognize Jürgen Bernard with the 2022 Young Researcher Award.

Links to the Award Ceremony, the Eurographics YRA, and Prof. Bernard's page

2022-04-14 | Yves Rutishauser - Master Thesis Defense

Yves Defense

Yves Rutishauser has successfully defended his Master Thesis, congratulations!

Yves was involved in a collaborative healthcare research project on the Multiple Sclerosis disease. He designed an interactive data analysis tool, his thesis is: "Interactive Visual Exploration of Temporal Activity Patterns - A Design Study Approach for Multiple Sclerosis Patient Data".

Link: Thesis Project on Multiple Sclerosis

2022-04-04 | Inaugural Lecture of Jürgen Bernard

inaugural lecture

Jürgen Bernard had his Inaugural Lecture in the Aula of the UZH main building. The title of the talk was "Interacting With Data". After a historic introduction into data-driven research, he showed how innovative data science solutions can enable users in research, industry, and in everyday life to cope with challenges of data-driven decision-making, to make the most of their data. In a series of his best-practice examples, Jürgen demonstrated how interactive visual user interfaces and machine learning techniques can be combined to leverage the strengths of both humans and machines in the interactive data analysis process.

Links to the Video Recording, news reports by the DSI and the Faculty


2022-02-18 | Replicability Stamp Award


The Graphics Replicability Stamp Initiative has awarded our newest TVCG paper "Visualizing Graph Neural Networks with CorGIE: Corresponding a Graph to Its Embedding" with a Replicability Stamp.

This award is an additional recognition for authors who are willing to go one step further,
and in addition to publishing the paper, provide a complete open-source implementation.

The work contributes visualizations for machine learning, graph neural networks, and graph layout and was a collaboration with the University of Zurich, the University of British Columbia (Vancouver) and Facebook.

Links to the award page, the paper page, and gitHub

2021-10-26 | Best Paper Award at IEEE VIS 2021

best paper award

Prof. Jürgen Bernard has received the Best Paper Award at IEEE VIS 2021 for his paper "IRVINE: A Design Study on Analyzing Correlation Patterns of Electrical Engines", together with his colleagues Joscha Eirich, Jakob Bonart, Dominik Jäckle, Michael Sedlmair, Ute Schmid, Kai Fischbach, and Tobias Schreck.

The paper is the result of collaboration with BMW and the University of Graz.

The paper was presented at IEEE VIS, the premier forum for advances in visualization and visual analytics in New Orleans (virtual), October 26 2021.

2021-10-24 | Silvia Miksch is the Keynote Speaker at VAHC


Prof. Silvia Miksch will give the keynote speech at the workshop on Visual Analytics in Healthcare (VAHC), organized by Jürgen Bernard! Silvia is an expert in the visual analysis of time oriented data, of uncertainty-aware data analysis, guidance in visual analytics and in visual analytics in healthcare.

The title of Silvia's talk is "Visual Analytics Meet Electronic Health Records: How Can We Tackle the Challenges?"

Link: IEEE Workshop on Visual Analytics in Healthcare

2021-09-16 | Jenny Schmid - Master Thesis Defense

Jenny Defense

Jenny Schmid has successfully defended her Master Thesis, congratulations and cheers! Title of the thesis was "Human-Centered Ranking of Data Objects with Interactive Attribute Scoring Interfaces".

Links: Thesis Project on Attribute Scoring Functions, Research Project on Human-Centered Ranking Creation, Link to her paper about her approach RankASco

2021-06-15 | EuroVis Young Researcher Award

Young Researcher Award

Prof. Jürgen Bernard has received the EuroVis 2021 Young Researcher Award!

In recognition of his outstanding contribution to the characterization, design, and evaluation of visual-interactive interfaces to combine the strengths of both humans and algorithms in interactive machine learning and data science applications.

The Award is given to one young colleague, who has already made a significant contribution to visualization and specifically to the European Visualization community.

Links: Prof. Bernard's speech, Award Ceremony, Faculty News, Prof. Bernard's page

2021-06-14 | Best Paper Award at EuroVA 2021

EuroVA 2021, Best Paper Award

We have received the Best Paper Award at EuroVA for our paper LFPeers: Temporal Similarity Search in Covid-19 Data.

The paper is the result of collaboration with Jan Burmeister and Jörn Kohlhammer from Fraunhofer IGD.

The paper was presented at the EuroVA workshop at the 23rd Eurographics Conference on Visualization, EuroVis 2021, Zürich (virtual), June 2021.

2021-05-11 | Two Papers accepted at EuroVA 2021


The IVDA Group has two papers at EuroVA, the international Workshop on Visual Analytics, co-located with the EuroVis Conference (June 14 to 18, 2021). The program can be seen here.

Jenny Schmid successfully submitted a paper called A Taxonomy of Attribute Scoring Functions, together with Prof. Bernard. Links: Fast Forward, Paper Presentation, Paper.

The second paper, LFPeers: Temporal Similarity Search in Covid-19 Data, is a result of a research collaboration with Jan Burmeister and Jörn Kohlhammer from Fraunhofer IGD. Links: Fast Forward, Paper Presentation, Paper.

2021-02-02 | Ben Shneiderman in Colloquium Series 2021 at UZH


Talk in the colloquium Series 2021 at UZH

I'm delighted to announce Ben Shneiderman, who followed my invitation to the Colloquium Spring 2021 series! Ben is a Distinguished University Professor in the University of Maryland Department of Computer Science. He conducted fundamental research in the fields of human–computer interaction and information visualization, with design being an overarching theme in his long career.

In his talk, Ben will present concepts and practices in Human-Centered AI (HCAI).

2021-02-01 | Organization of VAHC 2021


International Workshop on Visual Analytics in Healthcare

Jürgen Bernard is organizing VAHC 2021, held virtually in conjunction with IEEE VIS 2021, October 24. VAHC is the premier research event exploring the application of data visualization and visual analytics. We will bring together medical experts, leading scientists, and visionaries to discuss opportunities and challenges in using visual analytics techniques to help patients, clinicians, public health researchers, and others leverage the power of complex health datasets.

The image shows Jürgen Bernard organizing VAHC in Chicago, 2015.

2020-11-01 | Organization of EuroVA 2021


International EuroVis Workshop on Visual Analytics

Jürgen Bernard is organizing the international EuroVis Workshop on Visual Analytics (EuroVA) 2021, together with Katerina Vrotsou (Linköping University, Sweden).

EuroVA will be held virtually in conjunction with the EuroVis conference in Zurich (June 14 - June 18). EuroVA is the premier workshop in Europe to present and discuss fresh ideas on new methods and theories, novel applications, designs, and studies on the use of Visual Analytics methods and systems.

The image shows Jürgen Bernard giving a talk at EuroVA 2017