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Department of Informatics Requirements Engineering Research Group

Martin Glinz receives the Most Influential Paper Award at RE’17

At RE’17, the 25th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference, Martin Glinz received the Most Influential Paper Award for his paper “On Non-Functional Requirements” which he had published ten years ago at RE’07 in Delhi, India. The paper intended to clean up the terminology and classification mess concerning the so-called non-functional requirements. So far, this paper has been cited over 500 times according to Google Scholar.

The RE Most Influential Paper Award is given for the most influential paper from the conference 10 years earlier. The list of previous winners of this award can be found on the homepage of the RE conference series.

Martin Glinz receives the Most Influential Paper Award at RE'17

Martin Glinz with the Program Co-Chairs of RE’17, Jane Hayes and Barbara Paech, who presented him the award

MIP Award Talk at RE'17 in Lisbon

Martin Glinz giving his MIP Award talk at RE’17 in Lisbon


