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Department of Informatics Visualization and Multimedia Lab

A minimalistic approach for fast computation of geodesic distances on triangular meshes

A minimalistic approach for fast computation of geodesic distances on triangular meshes

Luciano A. Romero Calla, Lizeth J. Fuentes Perez, and Anselmo A. Montenegro

Year: 2019
Research area: Computational Geometry
Type of Publication: Journal

geodesic distance

fast marching

triangular meshes

parallel programming

breadth-first search

Book title:

Computers & Graphics


  author       = { {Romero Calla}, Luciano A. and {Fuentes Perez}, Lizeth J. and Montenegro, Anselmo A. },
  title        = { A minimalistic approach for fast computation of geodesic distances on triangular meshes },
  issn         = { 0097-8493 },
  year         = { 2019 },
  doi          = { 10.1016/j.cag.2019.08.014 },
  journaltitle = { Computers \& Graphics }