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Department of Informatics People and Computing Lab

Student Positions (thesis, projects, independent studies)

We are always looking for motivated and independent students that are interested in our research topics.

How to apply?

Dear students,

Thank you for your interest in doing a thesis/project/independent study with the ZPAC group. Due to the many student applications, we receive regarding thesis/project/independent study supervision we select students/projects according to your expertise, topic and interest fit, our current supervisory capabilities, and completeness of your application.
Please follow the instructions below when applying for a thesis/project/independent study as we are only able to consider participants submitting all documents required. Additionally, please read the Expectations below.

Included in all applications:

  • A short motivation letter (about ½ A4 page) including why you would be a good fit for a specific topic or research direction (expertise/interests), what you are planning to contribute to the project/thesis, your availability.
  • Your CV.
  • Your transcript of records.
  • A description of the courses/projects/thesis that you have already taken with us.
  • Please fill out our template regarding your expertise/skills (tbd.)

I am interested in one of the existing topics:

  • Please specify what topic you are interested in and why.
  • In your motivational letter focus on how you are a good fit for this specific topic.

I already have a project idea of my own (*):

  • Please also send us a short summary of your project idea, including the research gap you are addressing – we can then help you refine it in the first meetings with us.
  • Please also specify how the topic relates to the supervisor you are contacting.
  • Please send us 3-4 papers related to your project idea.
  • Please specify how flexible you are regarding your project idea.

I do not have a project idea, but I am interested in one of the research directions:

  • Please specify in your motivational letter why the research direction is interesting to you and indicate what experience you have in this research direction.

I have already a thesis topic associated with a company/external organization:

Please specify:

  • the company name.
  • who your supervisors within the company would be and how to contact them.
  • the expectations of the supervisor from the UZH.
  • how your thesis topic relates to the desired UZH supervisor.

For Master’s Project:

  • Please specify whether you are applying as a group or are still looking for group members.
  • Each group member must submit the above specified documents.

(*) Please know that we have very limited capacity to supervise projects that do not relate to our research directions.


What we Expect

  • You are capable of working independently and producing high quality work with limited assistance.
  • The topic of your thesis must be closely related to our research topics.
  • You are contacting us at least two full months before your ideal starting date.
  • You dedicate the full six months (master) or four months (bachelor) towards working on your thesis. In other words, you need to be able to dedicate at least 35 hours each week to working on your thesis during those six or four months.
  • After meeting with us and discussing possible topics, you will need to write a thesis proposal containing a preliminary related work section (referencing at least six scientific papers on the prospective topic), your research question(s)/goal(s), the research methods you will use for your research, the planned scope and timeline, deliverables, and your research contributions. You will not be able to write your thesis with us, unless we accept and consent to your thesis proposal.
  • You take responsibility for the quality of your work, while keeping us in the loop if any changes need to be made to the originally agreed upon proposal and you are able to ask for assistance when needed.
  • You show up prepared to scheduled meetings and keep to the agreed upon deadlines.

What we Offer

  •  We support you in defining your research topic, methods, and the scope of your thesis.
  • During your thesis we offer regular bi-weekly meetings or meetings upon request.
  • Depending on your supervisor’s availability, you will be provided with feedback to your thesis.
  • If you would like feedback to a specific part, let your supervisor know what section you would like feedback on, the type of feedback you are looking for, and the timeframe you are hoping for. Please be advised that we will not be able to provide you with feedback on grammar, spelling, or language, and the time we have available for providing feedback is mostly limited.
  • Generally, we accept requests for feedback up to two weeks prior to the submission deadline of your thesis.

Open Projects

Please find all open projects below. Additional projects may be listed here.

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[All formats] Open Positions in Digital Health

More about [All formats] Open Positions in Digital Health

Please find all open positions in digital health here.

[Master Project] Digital Health