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Department of Informatics People and Computing Lab

[Independent Study] Exploring the Role of Technology in Realizing Abuse

In this project, we explore how technology (social media, websites, vlogs, forums, etc.) contributes to the realization of abuse and inspires help-seeking for women affected by forced marriages. Understanding these individual experiences, identifying what worked and what did not, and using the 'Spinning Effects Model' and 'Trauma Informed Care' as investigative lenses are key objectives.

Motivation: Technology can play a pivotal role in helping women affected by forced marriages recognize abuse and seek help. By examining how digital platforms contribute to de-stigmatization and provide support, we aim to enhance the design and use of these technologies to better serve affected individuals.

Problem: Forced marriages impose complex and interdependent challenges on individuals, including social stigma and psychological trauma. While technology holds potential for support, there is a need for deeper understanding of its effectiveness and impact on help-seeking behaviors and de-stigmatization.

Goal: Conduct a comprehensive literature review on how technology influences de-stigmatization and motivates help-seeking, and create and conduct an online survey to explore these issues. For additional credits, students may also participate in initial interviews (6-8) alongside the Principal Investigator (PI).

Approach: This project involves:

  • Literature Research: Analyzing existing studies and data on the impact of technology in de-stigmatization and help-seeking behaviors.
  • Survey Creation and Conduction: Developing and administering an online survey to gather insights on individual experiences.
  • Optional Interviews: Conducting initial interviews with affected individuals to gain deeper qualitative insights.

Eligibility: Open to students who have previously taken HCI. Preferably this project is done over the Summer break, it is however open to discussion.

Credits: This independent study can be undertaken for 3-9 ECTS, depending on the level of involvement.

Interested in this Project or an idea related to this project?

Please contact Nimra Ahmed and see here how to apply.