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Department of Informatics

Tell us about your company

Your success story

All IfI alumni are invited to tell us about the companies they founded, based on their research or studies at IfI. We maintain a list of IfI spin-offs, startups, and other companies and we might contact you to use your success story to advertise the IfI's study programs.

Let us know about your company

Company, Inc.

Jane Doe

Groups of Prof. Bauknecht and AI Lab

Founded in April 2014 together with students from HSG and ETH. We develop database solutions for flying robots. Acquired by Alphabet, Inc. in 2017.

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You can also just send us an e-mail, telling us about your company.

Thank you!

Spin-off or Start-up?

A company that develops or brings to market new products based on UZH technologies, i.e., there is a licence agreement between UZH and the company.

Any other company founded by UZH members (students, assistants, professors, …) without licence agreement between UZH and the company.

(Definitions according to the UZH Innovation Hub)