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Module: BINFS123/MINFS523
ECTS Points: 3.0
In this seminar, you will be able to attend the "Wirtschaftsinformatik 2015" conference on March 4-6th 2015 in Osnabrück, Germany. That means you should be an early bird to join this seminar and sign up for the conference in December. You can then already start working on your term paper in January 2014. We will provide you with all necessary information in a information event on thursday, November 20th 2014 at 16:15 at the IFI, Room 1.D.06 (ACE-Lab). (You can find the slides here).
You will learn to acquire and critically reflect upon topic specific knowledge from a scientific perspective. You further get an overview of conference life and will meet and discuss with inspiring persons.
We offer to teach the seminar in English to be inclusive for international students. Although most papers at the Wirtschaftsinformatik conference are written in English, basic knowledge in German may be necessary to follow all talks and panel discussions at the conference. If all participants speak German well enough, we may offer the seminar in German. In any case, it is possible to write your term paper in English or German.
Will be offered at the beginning of the seminar