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Department of Informatics Visualization and Multimedia Lab

vmmlib 1.0 release

vmmlib's basic functionality includes a vector and a matrix class, with additional functionality for the often-used 3d and 4d vectors and 3x3 and 4x4 matrices. On top of the matrix class, a third-order tensor (3d array) is implemented as slices of matrices. More advanced functionality include solvers, frustum computations and frustum culling classes, and spatial data structures as well as tensor approximation algorithms used for data decomposition/approximation.

vmmlib is implemented using C++ templates, making it versatile, and being a header library, it is easy to integrate into other ( your ) libraries and programs. There is no need to build and install a library, just include the headers and you’re set.
The BSD license allows the usage both in open source and commercial closed source software.

vmmlib 1.0 was released and is available as archive at: vmmlib-1.0


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EVOCATION: Advanced Visual and Geometric Computing for 3D Capture, Display, and Fabrication

EVOCATION is a four-year Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions Innovative Training Network (MCSA-ITN) project that is coordinated by Prof. Pajarola.

More about the project EVOCATION